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Shirley with south side of Rainier in the backdrop at an unknown saddle in the Tatoosh range following an unexpected bivy (using larch branches + rope bag) on our descent from Unicorn (early August 2002).
In early August of 2002, Shirley & I climbed Unicorn Peak in Mount Rainier National Park as one of our first alpine outings. Conditions were pretty shitty with drizzle down low and some snow up higher. Things went well …overall. Without getting into details, I will just mention that we learned how to build a shelter out of branches, use backpacks for lower-body sleeping bags, and the fine points of blind navigation. Good (educational) sort of times 🙂 .

Shirley on the hike up to Unicorn Peak from the Snow Lake trailhead (Aug. 2002).

A bit of tunneling on the hike up Unicorn Peak in Rainier NP (August 2002).

Opposing nuts, hexes, shorts over poly pro...got just 3 words: fucking chick magnet!!

Shirley on the summit of Unicorn Peak in marginal weather conditions (Aug. 2002).

Packing up after the summit horn climb in a minor snow "storm" (early August 2002).

Descending from Unicorn (summit horn in background) in fog and rain/snow (early August 2002).

Shirley hiking down somewhere below Unicorn Peak (Aug 2002).

Makeshift bivy somewhere in a wrong valley on the incorrect side of the Tatoosh Ridge (August 2002).

Shirley somewhere on the out from Unicorn Peak ...yeah, the second day (I think; Aug. 2002).

Stevens Peak seen through a brief window in the weather during an otherwise foggy day (August 2002).

Shirley with south side of Rainier in the backdrop at an unknown saddle in the Tatoosh range following an unexpected bivy (using larch branches + rope bag) on our descent from Unicorn (early August 2002).

Day 2 slog back to the car...we emerged somewhere along the Stevens Canyon Road (Aug. 2002).
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