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Shirley on top of the Nanny Goat.

Beautiful northern Idaho on the drive up to Canada (July 2014).

Canmore (July 2014).

Canmore wildlife (July 2014).

Canmore 2014.

Going shopping for a new rope…

The flora seen right behind the landfill (July 2014).

Goat Mountain with the Nanny Goat formation in the center. Beautiful Century line climbs the right edge of Nanny (July 2014).

On approach to Nanny Goat formation with Yamnuska in the background (July 2014).

Leading pitch 1 of Beautiful Century (July 2014).

Shirley on the first pitch of Beautiful Century (July 2014).

One of the most storied cliffs in Canadian climbing (July 2014).

More of the slabby pitch 1 action (July 2014).

Somewhere midway up the Beautiful Century. Photo by Claire E. (thank you!).

Leading pitch 5.

Shirley on pitch 5 or 6 of Beautiful Century (July 2014).

Pitch 6 or 7 (July 2014).

Shirley on top of the Nanny Goat formation with Yamnuska in the background (July 2014).
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