Three Sisters Wilderness.
Miscellaneous hikes and fun with family from 2018 – all non-climbing. From Goat Rocks to Oregon Cascades to Three Sisters Wilderness. Album of interest to family only.

Salmon River (June 2018).

Salmon River (June 2018).

Portland (June 2018).

Portland (June 2018).

Opal Creek (Sept. 2018).


Somebody enjoying the beautiful (but very chilly!) Opal Creek on a cold September morning (Sept. 2018).

Goat Rocks Wilderness (July 2018).

Goat Rocks Wilderness – on our way up to Goat Lake (July 2018).

Goat Rocks Wilderness (July 2018).

A cool off break (July 2018).

Goat Rocks Wilderness (July 2018).

Goat Rocks Wilderness (July 2018).

Goat Rocks Wilderness (July 2018).

Goat Lake is up in that bowl there (July 2018).

Goat Rocks Wilderness (Sept. 2018).

Benny charging up the trail with Mt. Rainier in the background (July 2018).

Getting higher (July 2018).

Benny scoping things out at the partially frozen Goat Lake (July 2018).

Maybe not…

Benny drying off (July 2018).

Benny and Goat Lake (Sept. 2018).

Benny in Goat Lake (July 2018).

Balmy (July 2018).

Good times (July 2018).

At the lake (July 2018).

Departing Goat Lake (July 2018).

Benny and Mount Rainier (July 2018).

On the way back (July 2018).

Portland (July 2018).

Despite what our friends might think, Benny is a cuddler (well, with the inner circle anyway).

Terrebonne cabin (July 2018).

Terrebonne cabin (July 2018).

Starting up the Tam McArthur Rim trail (July 2018).

Shirley and Benny on the Tam McArthur Rim trail (July 2018).

Family portrait at the first overlook on the Tam McArthur Rim trail (with the Three Sisters visible; July 2018).

…and then somebody decided to crash the party (July 2018).

Mom, Shirley and Benny continuing on the Tam McArthur Rim trail (July 2018).

A patch of snow on the hike was apparently a cause for celebration (July 2018).

Further along on the Tam McArthur Rim trial (July 2018).

Benny enjoying the snowfield (July 2018).

Shirley and Benny (July 2018).

The family with South Sister in the background (July 2018).

Mom, Shirley, and Benny with the Three Sisters in the background (July 2018).

Views along the hike (July 2018).

Mom, Shirley and Benny at the rented cabin in Terrebonne (July 2018).

Three Creeks Lake (July 2018).

Three Creek Lake (July 2018).


Hanging out with my good boy in Three Creek Lake at the Tam McArthur Rim trailhead (July 2018).

Living it up in the Three Creek Lake (July 2018).

Mom, Shirley and Benny and Mount Washington as seen from the roadside overlook at Santiam Pass (July 2018).

Mount Washington from Santiam Pass (July 2018).

Portland (August 2018).

Oregon coast (Aug. 2018).