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09/09/08. East Face – Steger (VI-, 18P) on Cima Catinaccio

Steger on Cima Catinaccio.

Back at the bus drop off point. Heading up to Rifugio Vajolet with Cima Catinaccio dominating the view (Sept. 2008).

The impressive looking east face of Cima Catinaccio. The 18-pitch Steger route climbs (more or less) the plumb line up to the higher (right) summit (Sept. 2008).

Shirley hiking up to Rif. Vajolet near the base of Cima Catinaccio (tallest formation in the photo). Our planned Steger route climbs the prominent east face in a nearly direct line to the summit (Sept. 2008).

Shirley on the approach hike to Rifugio Vajolet the day before our climb of the Steger route on Cima Catinaccio. Punta Emma is on the left; Vajolet Towers are peeping in through the notch (…next time; Sept. 2008).

Punta Emma on the left and Vajolet Towers visible through the notch (Sept. 2008).

A closer look at Vajolet Towers (Sept. 2008).

A pre-sleep hot chocolate at Rifugio Vajolet…really got spoiled by the hut system in the Dolomites. Perhaps not wilderness but we’re soft and it was kind of a nice change for a while (Sept. 2008).

Comfy private room at Rifugio Vajolet (Sept. 2008).

Shirley on pitch 2 of Steger (Sept. 2008).

Views of Rif. Vajolet from low on the route (Sept. 2008).

Arriving at the second belay (Sept. 2008).

Leading pitch 3 of Steger (Sept. 2008).

Shirley on pitch 3 (per Memmel & Kohler guidebook) of Cima Catinaccio’s Steger route (Sept. 2008).

Arriving at the third belay (Sept. 2008).

Starting the lead of the fourth pitch of Steger (Sept. 2008).

Looking back at Shirley from the start of pitch 4 (Sept. 2008).

Natural chockstone pro on Cima Catinaccio’s Steger route…felt bomber (Sept. 2008).

Higher on pitch 4 I think (Sept. 2008).

Our Canadian friends (from cascadeclimbers.com no less) starting up the 5th pitch. Jesse leading and Graham belaying (Sept. 2008).

Shirley topping out on the 4th pitch of Steger (Sept. 2008).

Leading the 5th pitch of Steger (Sept. 2008).

Views from Steger. Rifugio Vajolet is in the center (Sept. 2008).

Leading pitch 7 (Sept. 2008).

Views from the route (Sept. 2008).

More pitch 7 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley & I at 7th belay on the Steger route on Cima Catinaccio’s east face. Photo courtesy of Graham R. of British Columbia (Sept. 2008).

The views (Sept. 2008).

Shirley at the 7th belay on the Steger route. This is where a slight rightward traverse starts (Sept. 2008).

Pitch 8 of Steger. Jess is following Graham & I’m leading pitch 8 (Sept. 2008).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 8 (Sept. 2008).

I think this is pitch 9 (Sept. 2008).

Graham belaying Jessi on the start of pitch 10 (chimney) of Steger (Sept. 2008).

Leading pitch 10 (Sept. 2008).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 10 (Sept. 2008).

I think this is the pitch 10 chimney. Photo by Graham (Sept. 2008).

Topping out on pitch 10 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley topping out on pitch 11 (Sept. 2008).

Leading pitch 12 of Steger (Sept. 2008).

About to tunnel under the huge chockstone on pitch 12 (Sept. 2008).

A closer look at the Dolomite pano (Sept. 2008).

Shirley arriving at the 12th belay (Sept. 2008).

Shirley at the 13th belay (Sept. 2008).

I think this is the 15th pitch (Sept. 2008).

Nearing the 17th belay. Photo by Graham. Thanks you (Sept. 2008).

Shirley on the 17th pitch of Steger (Sept. 2008).

Pitch 17 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley arriving at the 17th belay on Steger (Sept. 2008).

Leading the final (I think) pitch of Steger (Sept. 2008).

Views from high on the route (Sept. 2008).

Shirley on the long (~100m) low 5th class scramble to the summit of Cima Catinaccio. This is above the end of the Steger route. Rifugio Vajolet is visible below (Sept. 2008).

Shirley approaching the summit (Sept. 2008).

Summit cross (Sept. 2008).

Shirley starting the descent from summit of Cima Catinaccio after our climb of Steger route on the mountains east face (Sept. 2008).

Hiking down after a handful of raps (Sept. 2008).

The awesome looking Vajolet Towers (Sept. 2008).

Shirley, Vajolet Towers, and Rifugio Alberto Garti (Sept. 2008).

Rifugio Vajolet and dinner as seen during the hike down from Cima Catinaccio (Sept. 2008).
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