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Crux of Lekker Time.

Shirley and Ross about to start the hike back up to the Yellowwood Amphitheater (Dec. 2017).

Low clouds during our morning approach hike (Dec. 2017).

Slogging up and nearing the outer edge of the burnt area (Dec. 2017).

Plant life in the Amphitheater (Dec. 2017).

Left side of the Amphitheater. Lekker Time route starts up the buttress at the extreme left of the photo (Dec. 2017).

Racking up at the base of Lekker Time in Yellowwood Amphitheater. Photo by Ross (Dec. 2017).

Starting up Lekker Time route. Photo by Ross (Dec. 2017).

Crux of pitch 1. Photo by Ross (Dec. 2017).

An orchid in Yellowwood Amphitheater. Photo by Ross (Dec. 2017).

Higher on pitch 1 of Lekker Time belayed by Shirley. Photo by Ross (Dec. 2017).

Shirley and the Yellowwood Amphitheater. Photo by Ross (Dec. 2017).

Somewhere on pitches 1 or 2 of Lekker Time (linked together). Photo by Ross. Click photo for full resolution (Dec. 2017).

Starting the lead of pitch 3 – probably the crux of the route (Dec. 2017).

Same point in time, different perspective courtesy of Ross. Click photo for full resolution (Dec. 2017).

And done with the crux (Dec. 2017).

Topping out on pitch 3 (Dec. 2017).

Views of Yellowwood Amphitheater from Lekker Time route. Smalblaar Ridge forms the right edge (Dec. 2017).

Leading the short pitch 4 (Dec. 2017).

Shirley starting up pitch 4 belayed by yours truly. Photo by Ross. Click photo for full resolution version (Dec. 2017).

Starting pitch 5 of Lekker Time (Dec. 2017).

Views (towards beer!) from Lekker Time (Dec. 2017).

Higher on pitch 5 of Lekker Time (Dec. 2017).

Shirley arriving on top of pitch 5 (Dec. 2017).

Starting pitch 6 – very nice and exposed climbing here (Dec. 2017).

Shirley topping out on Lekker Time (Dec. 2017).

Shirley at the top of the route (Dec. 2017).

Traversing the exposed ledge system above Lekker Time to the rappel line (Dec. 2017).

On the final (of 3), free hanging, 60 meter rappel. Photo by Ross (Dec. 2017).

A short break in the shade of a tree in the Amphitheater gully during the descent (Dec. 2017).

The stifling final section of the hike down through the burnt area (Dec. 2017).

Dinner prep at the hut (Dec. 2017).

Shirley and Ross cooking dinner during our last evening at the Du Toits Hut (Dec. 2017).

Sending hard. Four nights worth of work at the Du Toits Hut (Dec. 2017).
Go to Apostles Buttresses.
Go back to South Africa.