Go back to Brazil.
Go back to Agulha do Diabo.

Rio de Janeiro.
The following day we had our first proper rest day of the trip. We got picked up by Duda and met up with Didi and his wife, Sue, for a day of sightseeing and eating in Rio. An excellent experience in one of the prettier cities that we have visited.

Setting out for our planned climb on Pedra Bonita (May 2019).

A marmoset in a tree (May 2019).

Initial part of the hike up (May 2019).

Views of Pedra da Gavea (which we’d climb at the end of the trip) as seen from the hike (May 2019).

We made a stop where hang gliders take off from (May 2019).

Shirley and Igor checking out the dumb tourists near the edge of the sloping take off platform (May 2019).

More of the hike through the urban jungle (May 2019).

In search of Pedra Bonita (May 2019).

Rio de Janeiro (May 2019).

A bit bushwhack-y though Didi and Igor did a bunch more of that looking for the start of the route (May 2019).

Dois Irmãos formation from the hike (May 2019).

Rocinha Favela at the base of the formation (May 2019).

A close-up of the favela. Reportedly home to >100K people (May 2019).

Shirley, Didi and his wife, Sue, on the Selaron Steps in Rio de Janeiro. This was the start of our Rio sightseeing (rest) day (May 2019).

Two wankers (May 2019).

The tile work of the Selaron Steps (May 2019).

Selaron Steps (May 2019).

Selaron Steps (May 2019).

Selaron Steps and more mosaic tiles (May 2019).

Portrait of the artist (murdered) responsible for the Selaron Steps (May 2019).

Walking through the Lapa Neighborhood of Rio (May 2019).

Carioca Aqueduct and the hilly Lapa Neighborhood (May 2019).

Lapa Neighborhood (May 2019).

Carioca Aqueduct in Lapa (May 2019).

Cathedral of Saint Sebastian a.k.a. Metropolitan Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro constructed 1964-1979 (of course; May 2019).

Inside the Cathedral (May 2019).

The Cathedral and Corcovado with Big J. in background (May 2019).

The reflection (May 2019).

Exploring old Rio in Santa Teresa (I think!) neighborhood (May 2019).

The sights (May 2019).

“Hello, anybody home?”

More Santa Teresa sights (May 2019).

Sue going in for a close look (May 2019).

Charming narrow streets (May 2019).

A resident keeping a watchful eye on us (May 2019).

Santa Teresa (May 2019).

Sue, Shirley and Didi (May 2019).

Heading for the waterfront (May 2019).

Museum Of Tomorrow (May 2019).

Museum Of Tomorrow and two wankers of today (May 2019).

Museum Of Tomorrow and the old port district (May 2019).

Praça Mauá street with huge murals by Eduardo Kobra (May 2019).

Kobra art (May 2019).

Kobra murals (May 2019).

A favela near to Praça Mauá (May 2019).

Check out the location of the graffiti (May 2019).

Shirley admiring the murals (all spray painted – pretty amazing; May 2019).

More by Kobra (May 2019).

Random street in Santa Teresa neighborhood (May 2019).

Sue, Shirley and Duda (May 2019).

Check out the birds in cages (May 2019).

Random street scene somewhere in/around Santa Teresa (May 2019).

City views from a street in Santa Teresa (May 2019).

Small street market. The parallel viaduct made us think of Brooklyn (May 2019).

Feira de Tradicoes Nordestimas in the Neighborhood of São Cristóvão (May 2019).

Jesus soda (May 2019).

About to enjoy the culinary highlight of our trip at the Feira de Tradicoes Nordestimas (May 2019).

Tacaca com tucupi – a specialty soup from the north of the country made with jambu and tucupi (May 2019).

The feast. That opaque, off white drink is a tasty juice made of cupuacu fruit (May 2019).

More of Feira de Tradicoes Nordestimas market (May 2019).

One of many live performances at the Feira de Tradicoes Nordestimas (May 2019).

Picking up some cachaca with jambu…very interesting and quite good as well (May 2019).

Some northern Brazilian live music and some people really enjoying themselves (May 2019).

Duda and somebody (May 2019).

Souvenir shopping. Salinas (a.k.a. Tres Picos) is the place we’d go climbing the next day (May 2019).

We came, we ate, we drank. Leaving the Feira de Tradicoes Nordestimas (May 2019).

Waiting for the magic hour at Ipanema Beach (May 2019).

Ipanema beach close to sunset (May 2019).

Sunset over the Ipanema Beach and the Dois Irmãos do Leblon formation (May 2019).

Planning the next climb (May 2019).
Go to Pico Maior In Tres Picos.
Go back to Brazil.