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09/13/08. Eiertanz (VI- A0, 5P) on Kelch & Ostkante (VI, 4P) Doupianifels

Ostkante on Doupianifels.

Shirley camping out in Thessaloniki’s airport. Our flight was to reach Thessaloniki at 1am. It got there at 2am and the conveyer belt took some time to deliver our bags and then there was the issue of the car rental place opening up at 8am (Sept. 2008).

Shirley and her new ride at the Thessaloniki airport…finally picked up our rental car in the morning for the drive to Meteora (Sept. 2008).

The conglomerate formations of Meteora towering over the town of Kalambaka (Sept. 2008).

More views from the main drag in Kalambaka (Sept. 2008).

Kelch Tower (Sept. 2008).

Doupianifels (Sept. 2008).

View of some of the larger formations of Meteora. On the right is Doupianifels formation. Holy Ghost is the largest formation in the shot. The small formation at the foot of Holy Ghost is (probably) the Kumariesturm (Sept. 2008).

Climbers scattered on the Traumpfeiler route (Pillar Of Dreams) on the Heiliger Geist (Holy Ghost) formation (Sept. 2008).

Close up of the same multiple parties spread all over the Traumpfeiler route (top of P2, P3, and P4; August 2008).

Climbers scattered on the Traumpfeiler route (Pillar Of Dreams) on the Heiliger Geist (Holy Ghost) formation (Sept. 2008).

Moni Megalou Meteorou (or the Grand Meteora Monastery) – a 14th century construct & the highest one of all the Meteora monasteries (Sept. 2008).

A closer look at Moni Megalou Meteorou (Sept. 2008).

Moni Megalou Meteorou and a couple of brothers crossing the void (Sept. 2008).

Couple of monks making their way to the their parked Mercedes sedans from the Grand Meteora Monastery (Sept. 2008).

Starting up the first pitch of the Eiertanz route (5 pitches VI- A0) on the Kelch. First route we did in Meteora (Sept. 2008).

Leading pitch 1 (Sept. 2008).

Higher on pitch 1 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley on pitch 1 which we combined with 2 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley arriving at the second belay (Sept. 2008).

Some views from Kelch. The large formation in the photo is the Holy Ghost (Sept. 2008).

At the second (our first) belay (Sept. 2008).

Starting up pitch 3 of Eiertanz route (Sept. 2008).

Pitch 3 (Sept. 2008).

Higher on pitch 3 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley topping out on pitch 3 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley belaying me on pitch 4 of Eiertanz route on the Kelch (Sept. 2008).

Topping out on pitch 4 (Sept. 2008).

Starting pitch 5. Some A0 to cross the gap (Sept. 2008).

Looking back at Shirley (Sept. 2008).

Leading the final pitch of Eiertanz route on the Kelch Tower. This is the face climb after the step-across move (Sept. 2008).

Wanker on the summit (Sept. 2008).

Shirley starting pitch 5 with some A0 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley starting the free climb on pitch 5 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley on the final pitch of Eiertanz route on the Kelch Tower (Sept. 2008).

Signing the summit register (Sept. 2008).

Posing on the summit (Sept. 2008).

Shirley rope jumping off the summit of the Kelch (Sept. 2008).

Rapping off the summit of The Kelch (Sept. 2008).

Shirley hiking back to the car after our climb of Eiertanz route on the Kelch. The whole thing is visible in the background – up the buttress on the right and an A0 step across to gain the summit block (Sept. 2008).

Views from near the base of the Kelch (Sept. 2008).

Starting up pitch 1 of Ostkante on Doupianifels (Sept. 2008).

Shirley following pitch 1 of Ostkante route on Doupianifels (Sept. 2008).

Shirley at the first belay on Ostkante route (Sept. 2008).

Leading pitch 2 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley on pitch 3 which (I think) we had combined with 2 (Sept. 2008).

Shirley arriving at the second belay (Sept. 2008).

Pitch 4 of Ostkante on Doupianifels (Sept. 2008).

Views from high on the Ostkante route on Doupianifels formation. How many tower-top monasteries can you find in this photo? The most tower-like tower (left of center) is Teufelsturm. Large fin-like structure immediately right is Yipsiloterafels (Sept. 2008).

Pitch 4 (Sept. 2008).

More views from high on Ostkante route. The Kelch tower is visible even if it blends in with others (Sept. 2008).

Shirley topping out on Ostkante route (pitch 4; Sept 2008).

Shirley immersing herself in local Greek beer…err, I mean culture after a climb in Meteora (Sept. 2008).

The view from our motel window – one of those is our rented ride. A rare, dry day in Meteora (Sept. 2008).
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