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Blondie relaxing at the base of Three O'clock rock on an exceptionally nice March weekend in 2010.

Leading an approach pitch on our way to the Revolver route on Three O'clock Rock.

Shirley leading pitch 1 of Revolver on Three O'clock Rock (March 2010).

Attempting (unsuccessfully) to insert my cranium into my anus on pitch 1 (or 2) of Revolver...this is purely for style points and is not essential to ticking off this route (March 2010).

Some original hardware on pitch 2 of Revolver (5.10a; March 2010).

Leading pitch 2 (I think) of Revolver on Three O'clock Rock.

Shirley leading pitch 3 of Revolver (March 2010).

Following pitch 3 of Revolver on Three O'clock Rock in Darrington, WA...we were surprised to find good conditions this early in the season there (March 2010).

Leading the 4th and our final pitch of Revolver (5.10a) route on Three O'clock Rock (March 2010).

Shirley nearing the top of pitch 4 of Revolver (5.10a) route on Three O'clock Rock. This is as high as we got - next two pitches were running with water (March 2010).
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