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A drizzly September 10 of 2005 saw us at the base of the Mesa Verde Wall. We climbed the stellar Trezlar (5.10a) route (via its not too stellar original pith 1…mossy and chossy) followed by the very good Tale Of Two Shitties (5.10a) next door. Pitch 1 of the latter was also a bit hollow-sounding in places while pitch 2 (crux) was excellent. The runout on pitch 3 was mostly trivial as it was above all difficulties. We’d come back for both routes (here and here) in later years so that Shirley could enjoy leading those quality pitches as well.Photos

The east face of the Smith Rock Group as seen from the Misery Ridge during our hike into the Mesa Verde Wall (Sept. 2005).

Mesa Verde Wall (with the obvious dihedral that is Trezlar, 5.10a) as seen from the approach (Sept. 2005).

Leading the chossy pitch one of Trezlar - bolted face on the right (Cosmos 5.10a) provides a better option IMHO (as does probably the bolted face on the left, Massive Luxury Overdose 5.10c; Sept. 10, 2005).

Starting up the money pitch of Trezlar - a stellar inside corner that is longer than it appears from the belay (Sept. 2005).

Looking down from lead of pitch two of Trezlar. Shirley is belaying from a good ledge. Mossy pitch one can also be seen below (Sept. 10, 2005).

Leading the stellar upper pitch of Trezlar - a 5.10a (soft 5.10a IMHO) dihedral. I'm just about at the crux bulges. There's a hollow-sounding block on the right - hope it stays put as it could ruin someone's day to say the least (Sept. 10, 2005).

Shirley rapping down the Cosmos/Zonkers face of Mesa Verde Wall after our climb of Trezlar (Sept. 2005).
Tale Of Two Shitties

Leading pitch two of Tale Of Two Shitties. Crux comes near top as you pull thru. a bulge using the rightward trending crack seen above. Great pitch (Sept. 10, 2005).

Looking down from beginning of pitch two of Tale Of Two Shitties. Shirley is belaying me from a semi-hanging gear stance (Sept. 10, 2005)

Shirley starting up pitch 2 of Tale Of Two Shitties. This is the nice 5.7ish dihedral portion (Sept. 2005).

Starting the lead of pitch 3 (5.9) of Tale Of Two Shitties (5.10a). An awkward move followed by easy face climbing to the top (Sept. 2005).

Leading the third pitch of Tale Of Two Shitties. From there on easy but somewhat runout climbing leads to the top (Sept. 2005).

Shirley topping out on the third and final pitch of Tale Of Two Shitties (5.10a) on the Mesa Verde Wall...in light drizzle which was a bonus. Spiderman Buttress is in background (Sept. 2005).

Shirley rapping in the rain after our climb of Tale Of Two Shitties. In the background is Spidreman Buttress and Smith Rock Group (far background; Sept. 10, 2005).
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