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Haydar & I soaking up the mid-winter sunshine at the base of Toys In The Attic (Feb. 2006).
In early February (2006), we went to Smith with our friends Haydar and Martin. Saturday was spent soaking up the sunshine in the main area (climbed Toys In The Attic& TR’ed some stuff nearby). Sunday was spent in the Lower Gorge. We climbed Wildfire (5.10b), Badfinger (5.10b), Gruff (5.10a), and I fell out of Cruel Sister (5.10a), which I have previous done several times without issues…Regression – oh well.

Leading Toys In The Attic (5.9; Feb. 2006).

Haydar & I soaking up the mid-winter sunshine at the base of Toys In The Attic (Feb. 2006).

Martin following Toys In The Attic (5.9; Feb. 2006)

Looks like the sun is out over the Smith Rock Group (Feb. 2006).

Leading the classic Wildfire (5.10b). This is the stemming section that marks the lower half of the pitch (Feb. 2006).

Shirely and Haydar at the base Wildfire on a sunny but cold Sunday in February of 2006.

Leading Badfinger (5.10b) on Lower Gorge's Wildfire Wall. Shirley is belaying; Haydar is at the base. Photo credit: Martin(Feb. 5, 2006).

Leading Badfinger (5.10b) below the second roof (Feb. 2006).

Approaching the second roof on Badfinger (Feb. 2006).

Approaching the top of Badfinger on Wildfire Wall (Feb. 2006).

Shirley starting up the excellent Badfinger (5.10b) route on Wildfire Wall (Feb. 2006).

Shirley seconding Badfinger (5.10b) above the second roof (this I think is the crux section; Feb. 2006).

Shirley & Blondie on belay duty at the base of Gruff (Feb. 2006).

Leading Gruff (5.10a) on the Wildfire Wall (Feb. 2006).

Leading Gruff (5.10a) on the Wildfire Wall belayed by Shirley. Photo creidt either Haydar or Martin (Feb. 2006).

Martin (left), Shirley, and Haydar at the base of Gruff (5.10a) on the Wildfire Wall (Feb. 2006).

Leading Cruel Sister at the end of a good day in Smith's Lower Gorge (Feb. 2006).

Coming off of Cruel Sister at the end of a good day in Smith's Lower Gorge (Feb. 2006).
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