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Shirley and I spent either a day or two (don’t recall) in Smith on a nice February weekend in 2009. It was Shirley’s sending spree that included Toys In The Attic (5.9), Toy Blocks (5.10a), Pack Animal Direct (5.10b). I always found that last one pretty damn hard…Photos
Toy Blocks

Shirley styling Toy Blocks (5.10a) - a beautiful traversing crack. She's approaching the 2nd crux of the meandering pitch. A bit loose/hollow sounding up top but overall a very nice line. Smith Rocks, Oregon (Feb. 2009).
Toys In The Attic
Pack Animal Direct

Shirley sending the beautiful Pack Animal Direct (5.10b) - a laser-cut inside corner with a tips crack. Four-star line. Smith Rock, Oregon. February 2009.

Shirley styling the beautiful corner that is Pack Animal Direct (5.10b). Smith Rock, Oregon. February 2009.

A busy weekend in Smith's Dihedrals area! Many of Smith's classic lines are featured in this shot. The overhanging arete on the left is Chain Reaction (5.12), to its right is Darkness At Noon (5.13) and the climber is being lowerd from Heinous Cling (5.12). The climber high up on the face (center) is (I think!) doing French Connection - a 5.13 variation (that incidentally I think starts up the trad classic of Sunshine Dihedral (5.11+) on the right) to the famous To Bolt Or Not To Be (first 5.14 in North America). Arete to its left is Last Waltz (5.12). Chalked up face to the right of Sunshine hosts Powder In The Eyes (5.12+). Climber on the right is about to launch up into Crossfire (5.12) from top of Karate Crack. The arete to his left is Latest Rage (5.12). Many more that I don't point out...pretty amazing stretch of cliff even if almost all of it is in a universe different than my own. February 7, 2009.

An unknown climber leading French Connection (I think!) - a selective combo of the Sunshine Dihedral (11+) and To Bolt Or Not To Be (5.14a).
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