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The weekend of October 9th and 10th in 2008. We hit up the Lower Gorge on Saturday where I led Old And In The Way (5.10c) and Shirley did Quasar (5.10a). Neither of us sent however. On Sunday, we went to the main area where we did White Satin (5.9, 3 pitches) again. This time Shirley led the whole thing and it was as fun as the first time around.Photos

Shirley starting up the beautiful Quasar (5.10a) on the Catwalk Cliff in the Lower Gorge (Feb. 2008).

Shirley leading pitch 2 of White Satin. This is the hand traverse around a precarious flake near the top of the pitch (Feb. 2008).

Following the hand traverse around the chunky flake near the top of pitch 2 of White Satin. Shirley's belaying (Feb. 2008).

An unknown party on pitch 3 of Zebra-Zion route on Morning Glory Wall. View is from top of pitch 2 of White Satin on the Smith Rock Group (Feb. 2008).
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