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Shirley (atop pitch two) points out a feature that puts "Balls" in "Lotta Balls" - a 5.8 face hold seen on pitch two (New Year's Eve 2002).
After our initial Thanksgiving trip, Shirley & I came back for another 4-day weekend over the New Year’s 2002/2003. I think we climbed Lotta Balls (5.8) and bailed off of Solar Slab one pitch up. I remember feeling quite proud of us at the time for doing this route as it carried a PG13 rating in Swain’s book (I think). The balls were of course very fun.

Looking up at pitch one of Lotta Balls from the ground. The route starts at the left and follows a crack on the left side of what Swain's book refers to as "stacked blocks". The roof in the photo is about 40-50 feet off the ground. (New Year's Eve 2002).

Shirley belaying me from the stance atop pitch one (approx. 100 feet off the deck). Photo taken on lead from bottom (of two) bolts on the 5.8 section of pitch two of Lotta Balls (New Year's Eve 2002).

Shirley belaying me from the belay stance atop pitch one of Lotta Balls. Photo was taken on lead from the second bolt of the 5.8 face section of pitch two. Notice the ball studded rock face from which the route derives its name (New Year's Eve 2002).

Looking down from the beginning of the dihedral section of pitch two of Lotta Balls. Shirley is below belaying me (New Year's Eve 2002).

Looking up at the dihedral (upper) section of pitch two of Lotta Balls. The roof you see on the right side of the photo is about 200 feet above me and is the midpoint of pitch three (New Year's Eve 2002).

Shirley (atop pitch two) points out a feature that puts Balls in Lotta Balls - a 5.8 face hold seen on pitch two (New Year's Eve 2002).

Looking down from about half way up pitch three of Lotta Balls. The white helmet in the circle is Shirley belaying me from a nice balcony. Photo taken directly below the roof just before stepping left to go around it (New Year's Eve 2002).

Shirley looking towards Las Vegas from the "summit" of Lotta Balls Wall in the late afternoon light. Calico Hills are the rust colored formations on the left side of the photo (New Year's Eve 2002).
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