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Crying Time Again.

Leading the original pitch 1 of Cooke Book on Daff Dome at 2pm-ish (alpine start). This felt like the crux (5.9) of this 5.10- route. There’s a climber on Bombs Over Tokyo above me & to the right (Aug. 2015).

This is the upper half of pitch 1 (rope drag) of Cooke Book (Aug. 2015).

After the original pitch 1, you do a 40 foot rappel to join the rest of the route (Aug. 2015).

Leading pitch 3 (Aug. 2015).

Shirley on pitch 3.

Leading pitch 4 (so called crux) of Cooke Book (Aug. 2015).

More pitch 4 action.

Shirley on pitch 4 (of 5) of Cooke Book (Aug. 2015).

Shirley on the summit of Daff Dome in the late afternoon (Aug. 2015).

Shirley strolling along the summit plateau of Daff Dome with Fairview Dome in the background (Aug. 2015).

Leading pitch 1 of Crying Time Again – this is the only slab climbing on the route really (Aug. 2015).

Shirley finishing off the slab climbing that is pitch 1 of Crying Time Again (Aug. 2015).

Shirley on pitch 2 (Aug. 2015).

Leading pitch 3 (Aug. 2015).

Shirley on pitch 3.

Leading pitch 4 – a fun series of knob pulls (some kind of polished) on a tightly bolted face (Aug. 2015).

Shirley topping out on pitch 4 of Crying Time Again (Aug. 2015).

Pitches 5 and 6.

Shirley on pitch 6 of Crying Time Again…which we combined with pitch 5 (Aug. 2015).

Topping out (pitch 6).

Hiking off the summit of Lembert Dome. Cathedral Peak is the pointy thing in the background (I think…).
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