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Happy to witness friends’ first time out climbing. Started with some nice moderate cracks on Mounties Dome and when those proved more than doable (& since the enthusiasm was high), moved on to Canary on Castle Dome in the afternoon. Sunday was spent doing slabby moderates above Icicle Creek Road . A great fun outing with first rate company in the not-so-hot Leavenworth . Is all.
Mountaineers Dome: Left Crack (5.6) and Roof Crack (5.9). Playground Point: Baby Steps (5.4), Birthday Boy (5.7), an unknown 5.6 and unknown 5.8.

Clay, Alyssa, Shirley and Blondie (all busy looking good) at the base of the Mountaineers Dome in Leavenworth (July 2011).

Clay on an unknown line on the lower part of the Mounties Dome belayed by Shirley (July 2011).

Clay styling the unknown 5.6ish line on the lower buttress of Mounties Dome (July 2011).

Alyssa cruising and enjoying an unknown line on the lower half of Mountaineers Dome (July 2011).

Alyssa on the jamming section of the Left Crack (5.6) on the Mountaineers Dome (July 2011).

Clay on the second pitch of rock climbing of his life & looking natural 🙂 ...this is the Left Crack on Mounties Dome (July 2011).

Alyssa about to pull the crux of the short but fun Roof Crack (5.9; July 2011).

Clay mid-crux move on Roof Crack (5.9; July 2011).

Leading pitch 1 of Canary (July 2011).

Clay starting up the first pitch of Canary. Great performance for someone's first day on rock!

Alyssa on the first pitch of Canary (July 2011).

Alyssa and Clay looking good on the spacious ledge atop P1 of Canary (July 2011).

Shirley starting pitch 2 of Canary on Castle Rock (July 2011).

Shirley starting the lead of pitch 2 of Canary (5.8). A super pitch on a classic route (July 2011).

Shirley leading pitch 2 of Canary..this is past the crux I think (July 2011).

The fun endless edges of pitch 2 of Canary (July 2011).

Alyssa starting up the classic pitch 2 of Canary & looking solid esp. given that it was her first day climbing rock (July 2011).

Happy Alyssa topping out on the Canary route on Castle Rock (July 2011).

Shirley scrambling to the unroping spot atop Canary on Castle Rock (July 2011).

Blondie supervising the gear sort...the cabin was quite comfy & a hot tub after a day of climbing does indeed hit the spot (July 2011).

Clay warming up on day two on (some) Baby Steps (5.4) at the Playground Point (July 2011).

Alyssa liking the slab climbing of Baby Steps route (July 2011).

Alyssa starting up Birthday Boy (5.7) belayed by Shirley. Clay is absorbing the footwork beta (July 2011).

Alyssa styling Birthday Boy with Shirley and Clay at the base & a pretty view of Icicle Creek Valley (July 2011).

Shirley leading an unknown 5.7-5.8 line on the left edge of the Playground Point (July 2011).
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