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Pitch 1 of The Maverick.
Though frosty temps greeted us on our final day, the skies were clear and so we headed for the mid-sized Hindu Tower hoping to climb it via its Maverick route (4 pitch 5.8 C2). Some snow on the approach but the face was in the sun making for pleasant conditions. Nothing too stressful as I recall and some nice summit views (esp. of The Fishers).

Castle Valley as seen from our drive to Onion Creek (Feb. 2006).

The Fishers from the drive (Feb. 2006).

The Hindu from the drive in approach. The approach to the Maverick goes up the low angle slopes and slabs on the right side of tower to reach the right end of the obvious ridge (side walk). The narrow and exposed ridge then brings you to the base of the southwest face and the start of Maverick (Feb. 20, 2006).

Shirley starting the approach hike (Feb. 2006).

The east (left) and north (right) faces of The Hindu as seen from the Onion Creek Road (Feb. 20, 2006).

The objective (Feb. 2006).

Looks cold? It was (Feb. 2006).

Maverick Route (II-III 5.8 C2 or 5.13a) on The Hindu. Route starts on the south face (P1) and then traverses onto the west face. Standard approach comes in from the right. There’s a pendulum (A0) on P2 off of fixed pins. All belays are fixed (good bolts/pins). P3 and P4 are easily combined; combining P1 and P2 is also possible with good rope management (Feb. 18, 2005).

More snowy approach scenery (Feb. 2006).

Mongoose (left) and Sari towers (Feb. 20, 2006).

Shirley out the start of Maverick. Twenty feet of 5.8 R (chunky rock) or C2 climbing lead to the C1 (or 5.13a!) crack visible just right and above me in the photo. Fixed anchor atop P1 is also visible in the shot. This is the south face – smooth and gently overhanging (Feb. 20, 2006).

Starting up the route: couple of 5.8 moves to the start of the C1 crack (Feb. 2006).

Starting the aid (Feb. 2006).

Making progress (Feb. 2006).

Higher on pitch 1 (Feb. 2006).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 1 (Feb. 2006).

Nearing the first belay (Feb. 2006).

Shirley starting up the route (Feb. 2006).

Shirley on the C1 crack section of pitch 1 of Maverick. Crack is thin (finger tips….5.13a if done free) but the rock quality is very good. Approach sidewalk visible below (Feb. 20, 2006).

Mongoose (left) and Sari from the first belay (Feb. 20, 2006).

Shirley nearing the belay station (Feb. 2006).

Views towards the Colorado River from the first belay (Feb. 2006).

Shirley nearing the first belay (Feb. 2006).

Almost there (Feb. 2006).

Beginning the lead of pitch two of Maverick (5.6 C1). I’m just about to lower off and tension traverse to easy ground (fixed pitons for the lower off; Feb. 20, 2006).

Shirley belaying me from a semi-hanging stance atop pitch one of Maverick. Full on arctic attire (Feb. 20, 2006).

Shirley arriving at the second belay (Feb. 2006).

Starting up pitch 3 (Feb. 2006).

Leading through the 5.9- bulge (soft rating, good rock and pro) on P3 of Maverick. This is near the top of the pitch (Feb. 20, 2005).

Looking down from near the top of pitch three of Maverick. Shirley is belaying me from a decent stance atop P2. Most of the terrain on this pitch is low 5th class (chunky rock though) with one 5.9- bulge (good rock & pro & feels like 5.8) near the top. We linked the next (C2) pitch with this one (Feb. 20, 2006).

Pushing towards the summit. I think we combined pitches 3 and 4 (Feb. 2006).

Fisher Towers as seen from the summit of The Hindu. Kingfisher is the tall formation on the left; Echo and Cottontail Towers are in the middle; Titan is on the right (Feb. 20, 2006).

Shirley nearing the summit (Feb. 2006).

Mongoose and Sari from the summit (Feb. 2006).

Shirley setting up the rappel on the summit (Feb. 2006).

Looking east from the summit of The Hindu. The tower’s shadow is on the left; Onion Creek (and the road) are at the bottom of the winding canyon; Mongoose (left) and Sari are the two towers on the right (Feb. 20, 2006).

Shirley rapping off the summit of Maverick down the south face (Feb. 20, 2006).

A closer look (Feb. 2006).

One more (Feb. 2006).

Almost down (Feb. 2006).

Packing up at the base (Feb. 2006).

Hiking back to the car (Feb. 2006).

One more look at the tower (Feb. 2006).

Still cold (Feb. 2006).
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