Go back to Puerto Rico.

On our first full day in Puerto Rico, we drove 90 minutes from our hotel in a village called Guanica on the southern shore of the island to Cerro Las Tetas outside of a town called Cayey. Though the basalt formations look vegetated from the road, the routes themselves are well cleaned and nicely maintained. In fact, the whole area seems lovingly cared for by presumably the local climbing community. That day, we climbed a four-pitch route called Mi Burro Pepe (5.10b) – nicely bolted and with a hard start to its pitch three. Afternoon was rounded out by some beach time.

Beach time.
Back for more Cerro the next day. This time the epic search for coffee ate up some of our morning and our late arrival at the trailhead coincided with the onset of a rainstorm. Instead of climbing, we drove to the charming colonial town called El German for some sightseeing and a lunch.

Unlike Benny, Junior does not yet understand what such a packing sesh generally implies (April 2021).

Puerto Rico (April 2021).

A bit of beach time (April 2021).

With some wildlife (April 2021).

Cerro Las Tetas in the far distance (April 2021).

Cerro Las Tetas (April 2021).

Cerro Las Tetas with East Peak on the right. Looks quite vegetated but the established routes look and are nicely clean (April 2021).

At the trailhead (April 2021).

Shirley on the short approach hike to Cerro Las Tetas

East Peak shining through (April 2021).

Mi Burro Pepe. Route labels reminiscent of El Potrero (April 2021).

Starting up Mi Burro Pepe on the East Peak (April 2021).

Crux of pitch 1 (April 2021).

Views from the first belay (April 2021).

Shirley on pitch 1 (April 2021).

Entering the crux of pitch 1 (April 2021).

And arriving at the first belay (April 2021).

Starting up pitch 2 of Mi Burro Pepe (April 2021).

Nearing the second belay (April 2021).

Views from the second belay (April 2021).

Shirley on pitch 2 (April 2021).

Company at the second belay (April 2021).

Shirley topping out on pitch 2 (April 2021).

Pitch 2 belay in an alcove (April 2021).

Views from high on the route (April 2021).

Shirley above the difficult start on pitch 3 (April 2021).

Arriving at the third belay (April 2021).

Leading the fourth and final pitch of Mi Burro Pepe (April 2021).

Pitch 4 (April 2021).

Shirley topping out on the route (April 2021).

Views from top of Mi Burro Pepe (April 2021).

Shirley rapping (April 2021).

Hiking out (April 2021).

Hiking out (April 2021).

East Peak of Cerro Las Tetas (April 2021).

Salinas – village closest to Cerro Las Tetas (April 2021).

Waiting for the mofongos; chicken ones (April 2021).

Village of Guanica on the southern coast – welcoming committee (April 2021).

Racking up at the trailhead next day only to be chased off by rain (April 2021).

A washout (April 2021).

Strolling through San Germán (April 2021).

Catedral de San Germán (April 2021).

San Germán (April 2021).

San Germán (April 2021).

Iglesia de Porta Coeli (April 2021).

Iglesia de Porta Coeli – apparently one of the oldest surviving churches in the Americas. Built circa 1606 (April 2021).

View out of the church door (April 2021).

Plaza Santo Domingo in San Germán (April 2021).
Go to Second Half.
Go back to Puerto Rico.