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The BS
In mid-October of 2012, Shirley & I gave this pretty looking route a go only to be rained off from the top of the first pitch. This pitch we got to do was an amazingly fun piece of rock climbing – an acute dihedral with a great finger crack! Something that would’ve gotten 4-stars at Smith (think Trezlar or Moonshine D. here). Hoping to get back there and get the job done in the future.The Pics

Close up of Steins Pillar's southwest face, home of the route (5.10+ reportedly) by the same name (Oct. 31, 2004).

Shirley following the beautiful first pitch of the Southwest Face. This pitch is as good as some of the comparably rated 4-star pitches at Smith (Trezlar, Moonshine D. etc.; Oct. 2012).

Shirley nearing the first belay on the Southwest Face belayed by yours truly…it’s about to start drizzling on us (Oct. 2012).
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