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Looking back down the pitch 2 water groove on The Climb - a mix of free moves and aid for us back in Dec. of 2003 (5.10d all free).
A chilly day in December of 2003. We fr-aided our way up the first two pitches of (new back then)
The Climb. Back then we actually thought it was called
The Water Groove (which it is not per 2nd ed. of Watts). Mostly it was to see the amazing water groove feature of pitch 2. Indeed a very unique pitch at Smith (& probably anywhere in fact!). Not really tempted to go back for a clean ascent. We saw it once & it seems sufficient.
Leading the first pitch of The Climb on the Kiss Of The Lepers Buttress. We thought this was called the Water Groove but that is not right according to the 2nd edition Watts guidebook (Dec. 2003)
Leading the bolt ladder through the roof on pitch 1 of The Climb (A0 or 12c; Dec. 2003).
Shirley atop the first pitch of The Climb. This is at the entrance of the second pitch cave or water groove (Dec. 2003).
A short walk into the cave and you start pitch 2 of The Climb. Shirley is belaying me from the mouth of the cave (Dec. 2003).
Looking back down the pitch 2 water groove on The Climb - a mix of free moves and aid for us back in Dec. of 2003 (5.10d all free).
Shirley jugging pitch 2 of The Climb (Dec. 2003).
Exiting the water groove on The Climb's pitch 2 (Dec. 2003).
Shirley atop pitch 2 of The Climb. A chilly December evening in 2003.
Rapping off The Climb (Dec. 2003).
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