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Shirley jugging pitch 3 of the West Face aid line on Monkey Face. Note the hikers and Blondie down below. Some windy conditions that day (June 2007).

After an aid start on the bolted line to the right, finishing up the West Face pitch 1 proper (June 2007).

Shirley setting up the penji on pitch 1 of West Face. We actually aided a line to the right then finished off on West Face proper...you know, pendulum practice (June 2007).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 3 of West Face on Monkey Face. Hikers down on the trail (June 2007).

Shirley jugging pitch 3 of West Face line on Monkey Face. Blondie is chilling down below at the base (June 2007).

Shirley jugging up into the West Side Cave of Monkey Face. This is pitch 3 of the West Face (aid) line (June 2007).

Shirley jugging pitch 3 of the West Face aid line on Monkey Face. Note the hikers and Blondie down below. Some windy conditions that day (June 2007).

Shirley helping the pig move along on the easy final scramble to the summit of Monkey Face...this is the 4th pitch of the West Face route (June 2007).

Shirley setting up the first rappel just below the summit of Monkey Face. Smith Rock Group and the Crooked River are in the background (June 2007).

Shirley on the first rap from the summit of Monkey Face after our climb of the West Face aid line (June 2007).

Mesa Verde Wall as seen from the summit of Monkey Face. The classic Trezlar (5.10a) route climbs the obvious shade-sunshine dihedral (June 2007).
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