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Quick Word
In April of 2008, we did a quick in-and-out weekend trip to Red Rocks. On Saturday, we climbed the beautiful (if hard for me) Nightcrawler (5.10) on the Brownstone Wall. On Sunday, we climbed the short but almost as pretty Black Magic (5.8) on Lotta Balls Wall…because if I recall, we got our asses kicked on some other route that very morning.

Bronwstone Wall (southern half) as seen from the approach via Juniper Canyon. The greenish buttress on the right is the tail end of Rainbow Wall. The Hourglass Pillar formation is essentially in dead-center of photo. The Nightcrawler follows the dihedrals on its right side (Apr. 2008).

Shirley hiking out after our climb of The Nightcrawler (II 5.10c). Belays are superimposed on the photo (Apr. 2008).

Shirley nearing the top of pitch 1 of The Nightcrawler on Brownstone Wall belayed by yours truly (Apr. 2008).

Shirley following pitch 1 of The Nightcrawler on The Brownstone Wall. View from below of this moment is here (Apr. 2008).

Shirley leading pitch 2 of The Nightcrawler. She's entering the nice chimney section of the pitch. Long range shot of this moment is here (Apr. 2008).

Shirley starting the lead of P2 of The Nightcrawler on Bronwstone Wall. The line follows the shady, right-facing dihedral to the top of the pillar (Apr. 2008).

Shirley leading pitch 2 of The Nightcrawler - a fun flared chimney to face/crack/bulge traverse (Apr. 2008).

Leading P3 of The Nightcrawler. Where the bolts start up higher, the difficulties pick up too (Apr. 2008).

Shirley topping out on pitch 4 of Nightcrawler - the easy finish to an ass kicking (for me) pitch (spring 2008).
Black Magic

Shirley (red shirt) leading pitch 1 of Black Magic. There are climbers atop the 2nd pitch as well. The climber in oragne pants is atop pitch 1 of Lotta Balls next door. Our time lapse camera died after this shot so this is as far as it saw us go on it (spring 2008).

Shirley leading pitch 1 of Black Magic on Lotta Balls Buttress. A fun pitch on a very good route (Apr. 2008).

Shirley following pitch 2 of Black Magic. The dihedral on the right is pitch 2 of Lotta Balls route (Apr. 2008).
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