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Day 1: Solar Slab in Oak Creek Canyon

Shirley on Solar Slab.
“Shit — my zipper’s busted”. Things were not going well from the start. We flew into Vegas the night before and crashed in the car just off the state highway. At 7am, we made our way towards Windy Canyon Trailhead. The weather was not looking up – windy and with a thick overcast hanging above the Red Rocks peaks. I was changing into my spring climbing outfit – appropriate to the locale and time of year (yet defiantly oblivious to weather conditions) – when the fly zipper on my pants came permanently undone. We looked at the clouds; took another blast of sand-laden wind in our faces. Finally, we looked at each other and knew that once again we were not going to go for Jubilant Song – another Larry DeAngelo guidebook “classic” (a list that we’ve started trying to tick off). The prospect of bailing in rain and leaving gear behind was a turn-off. As we made our way back to pavement, we were still debating whether to climb something or spend the day more productively by sleeping for 16 hours. Shirley’s substantially higher IQ prevailed and at her urging we decided to go for Solar Slab. Maybe given the late morning start and shitty weather conditions (did I mention it was windy?) we’d avoid the usual hordes on this classic. Sure enough we did not – loads of parties clogging up the “approach” routes: everything from Beulah’s Book to Solar Slab Gully.

Pitch 4 of Solar Slab.
As we drive into town for some quality Vietnamese noodle soup, we breathe a sigh of relief seeing that the Red Rock Casino will be completed on schedule in 15 days!! Vegas is soooooooo wild! All that excitement!! How can I sleep?
Day 2: Community Pillar in Pine Creek Canyon

Into the squeeze!

Community Pillar.
Morning brings with it calm and sunny weather. Time for page 174 of DeAngelo book. As we’re hiking into Pine Creek Canyon, we witness a small herd of bighorn sheep grazing right off the trail. Hopefully, when the Oak Creek Grand Casino finally goes up, they’ll exterminate these unsightly beasts (can’t have them shitting up the Pine Creek Golf Course now). The approach to the base of Community Pillar is straightforward and the start of the route is obvious from the wash bottom (chimney, chockstone, “here” sign). Soon enough I’m looking into the darkness of the squeeze chimney 30 feet up pitch one – at the far side of the cave – formed by the giant chockstone and the afore-mentioned giant host chimney. “This can’t be it” I tell Shirley. Yet we both know the truth: THIS IS IT and I’m a fat bastard! Optimistically, I attempt entry with helmet, full rack and – boldly enough – the wallet in my pocket. Soon I feel as though I’m back at my job: I’m suffocating, I can’t move, and something (turns out to be a rock horn) is trying to enter my rectal cavity as I slip downward in defeat.

Pitch 2 of Community Pillar.

Community Pillar.
I start up the fifth pitch – nothing immediately strikes me as being particularly scary. A widish crack extending as far as I can see up. I move, and soon dump my #5 Camalot. Kinda tipped out a bit but OK. 10 more feet and the #4.5 goes into a slightly narrower spot in the crack. Well shit – things don’t seem to be narrowing down. I continue up – the side walls of the wide crack have some positive face holds that keep things at 5.8. Unfortunately some of those flex noticeably. 15 feet above the #4.5; 30 feet. Each subsequent upward movement is preceded by more and more hesitation as I think about the ledges below. Well out of sight of the last placement I can see the crack open up to a squeeze chimney 20 feet above me. Ever more cautiously, I make my way up. The joy of reaching the chimney and thus living through this shitty pitch overwhelm me. Like an idiot accidentally I dislodge a chunk of rock from inside the widening chimney – it flies down the crack. Now come the shenanigans – the rock lodges in the crack and pinches down our twins. After 10 minutes of wiggling, I manage to get one of the two unstuck. Belay Shirley from within a decent stance in the chimney as she comes up on a single line. Rest of the route offers more of the same: chimney, squeeze, wide crack and an occasional runout to keep you awake. We top out, do the pain in the ass descent and are back in the car before the law arrives.
Day 3: Black Orpheus Fail

Shirley hiking into Oak Creek Canyon.
Post Scripts

An unexpected take-home gift from the Community Pillar.
Over the next two days I feel like hell. My elbow is swollen to twice its size and the flu is really flooring me. Shirley forces me to see a doctor convinced that I broke something. The diagnosis is quick and surprising to me: “You got yourself a bacterial infection son”. The doctor outlines the edge of the swelling on my arm with a pen and points to one of hundreds of superficial scrapes as the likely entry point. I get a regimen of antibiotics fit for a horse and instructions to come back in 24 hrs. for a check up. Four days, two doctor’s visits, and 16 horse-pills later I still feel like crap though I think the swelling is finally on a downward slope. Hope things start looking up for the weekend cause after 4 days at work, I’m itching to go climbing.
After re-reading Larry’s chapter on this climb, I felt gratified to find some striking similarities in their experiences. I also found it interesting that Larry mentions being 6’3″ and 190 lbs (in the context of the crux squeeze). I guess I feel OK about it being EXTRA challenging for me at 6’7″ and 220 lbs 🙂 .
Solar Slab in Oak Creek Canyon

Shirley on pitch 1 of Solar Slab – cool looking rock eh (Apr. 1, 2006)?

Shirley topping out on pitch 1 of Solar Slab (Apr. 2006).

Leading pitch 2 of Solar Slab. Nice, fun climbing on this generally-super crowded classic (Apr. 1, 2006).

Shirley following pitch 2 of Solar Slab (Apr. 2006).

Shirley following pitch 3 (?) of Solar Slab. Thanks to the high winds and cold weather we were finally able to tick off this usually over-crowded classic (Apr. 1, 2006).

Leading pitch 4 (?) of Solar Slab. Despite the appearance, the weather was pretty unpleasant for Red Rocks – cold and high winds (Apr. 1, 2006).

Shirley atop pitch 4 of Solar Slab (Apr. 2006).

Shirley following pitch 5 (I think) of Solar Slab (Apr. 2006).

Shirley nearing the top of pitch 5 of Solar Slab (Apr. 2006).

Leading pitch 6 of Solar Slab (Apr. 2006).

Shirley following pitch 6 of Solar Slab (Apr. 2006).

Shirley nearing the top of pitch 6 of Solar Slab (Apr. 2006).

Shirley atop pitch 6 belay ledge on Solar Slab (Apr. 2006).

Shirley atop the 7th pitch of Solar Slab…trying to decide whether to rap the route or hike off the back (we rapped; Apr. 2006).
Community Pillar in Pine Creek Canyon

Community Pillar route on north face of Juniper Peak. Blue line with blue/red circles indicates the route and belays; yellow line shows the scrambling portions of the descent (that we took). “R’s” mark the rappels with the topmost rappel not visible. R2 is a double rope rap; R3 and R4 are single rope raps (using 60 meter lines).

Into the crux squeeze on pitch 1 of Community Pillar route. It looks improbable and I found it even harder once I actually tried to get thru. This is “take 1” – I still have all the gear and the helmet on……did not work so well (Apr. 2, 2006).

Into the squeeze! Pitch 1 of Community Pillar route – a tight squeeze chimney. This is my take #3 or 4. Already the helmet and the large cams are hanging on the last piece. I wouldn’t get thru. till I got rid of the whole rack, all the draws, and eventually my wallet. It only took me about 5 attempts and an hour to get thru. Good times (Apr. 2, 2006).

Shirley about to be reborn 🙂 as she exits the crux sqeeze section of pitch 1 of Community Pillar. Note the absence of helmet (the rack hitched a ride on one of our twins just moments earlier; Apr. 2, 2006).

Beginning the lead of pitch 2 of Community Pillar route. Squeeze to short OW to face climbing. Probably the best pitch of the route IMHO (Apr. 2, 2006).

Leading pitch 2 of Community Pillar. The squeeze narrows down on upper third and you can’t reach the cracks inside for pro. Best pitch of the route perhaps (Apr. 2, 2006).

Into another (this time easy) chimney on pitch 4 of Community Pillar (Apr. 2, 2006).

Shirley happy to be out of yet another squeeze chimney – though this one was relatively easy (top of pitch 4 of Community Pillar route; Apr. 2, 2006).

Starting the lead of pitch 5 of Community Pillar. Good gear in first 20 feet then no gear for the next 50-60 feet. I found this to be one of the scarier pitches I’ve led to date (Apr. 2, 2006).

Shirley in the chimneys of pitch 5 of Community Pillar (Apr. 2006).

Shirley expressing enthusiasm for more squeeze chimneys above. This is inside the deep chimney on the upper quarter of pitch 5 (unplanned belay; Apr. 2, 2006).

Leading the chimney section on the upper quarter of pitch 5 of Community Pillar.

Shirley topping out on pitch 5 of Community Pillar – another (relatively easy) squeeze (Apr. 2, 2006).

Shirley nearing the top of pitch 6 of Community Pillar (Apr. 2006).

Shirley belyaing me at the mouth of a cave that marks the start of pitch 8 of Community Pillar (Apr. 2, 2006).

The start of the funky but easy chimney on pitch 8 of Community Pillar – looking forward to ending this caving outing (Apr. 2, 2006).

Shirley coming up the weird but easy chimney on pitch 8 of Community Pillar. This is the last of the spelunking on this route (Apr. 2, 2006).

4th class terrain on pitch 9 of Community Pillar route (Apr. 2, 2006).

Shirley atop the 8th pitch of Community Pillar – happy to be out of the chimneys and offwidths. The previous pitch comes up to the belay via the triangular cave just left of Shirley (Apr. 2, 2005).

Cat In The Hat route on Mescalito (rough lay of the land) as seen from top of Community Pillar route on Juniper Peak next door. There’s a climber (blue circle) at the topmost belay/rap station of Cat. Tighter shot of same party is here. South face of Mescalito dominates the view; east face (what you see on the approach) is on the right. South fork of Pine Creek runs along the base of Mescalito in the photo (Apr. 2, 2006).

A party on the last pitch of Cat In The Hat route on Mescalito. The leader (yellow circle) is about 20 feet from top anchors. His belayer is not visible. Photo taken from high on Community Pillar route on Juniper Peak next door. Wider shot of same party is here (Apr. 2, 2006).

Where did my left elbow go?? An unexpected take-home gift from the Community Pillar route. Looks like a snake bite, feels like a broken elbow…for TR purposes (see here).
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