Go back to Arizona.
Go back to Cochise.
Turkey Weekend

Cochise Stronghold.

Benny on approach to Granite Mountain (Nov. 2017).

Sights along the approach (Nov. 2017).

Granite Mountain – not a large crag but the granite and the cracks are delicious (Nov. 2017).

Unknown party on pitch 2 of the classic Magnolia Thunder Pussy route (Nov. 2017).

Pitch 1 of Magnolia Thunder Pussy (Nov. 2017).

Looking down from the lead of pitch 1 (Nov. 2017).

Leading pitch 1 of Magnolia Thunder Pussy (Nov. 2017).

And past the fun roof (Nov. 2017).

Views of central Arizona from Magnolia Thunder Pussy (Nov. 2017).

Shirley firing the small roof on pitch 1 (Nov. 2017).

Views from the route (Nov. 2017).

Shirley topping out on pitch 1 (Nov. 2017).

Starting pitch 2 of Magnolia Thunder Pussy (Nov. 2017).

Crux of pitch 2 (Nov. 2017).

Looking back down pitch 2 of Magnolia Thunder Pussy (Nov. 2017).

Shirley topping out on pitch 2 (Nov. 2017).

Shirley arriving at our belay some 20 feet below the summit of Granite Mountain (Nov. 2017).

Topping out on Magnolia Thunder Pussy (Nov. 2017).

Shirley on the summit of Granite Mountain (Nov. 2017).

Shirley starting the descent (Nov. 2017).

The MP-recommended gully descent (Nov. 2017).

Shirley on the descent (intermittent trail + bushwhack; Nov. 2017).

Shirley hiking back to the main trail (Nov. 2017).

Benny and Granite Mountain (Nov. 2017).

Thanksgiving feast – only (?) open establishment in Prescott (Nov. 2017).

Cochise Stronghold. Somebody’s getting better at scrambling (Nov. 2017).

Pitch 1 of Malex Of Four Thoughts route on Waterfall Dome. I think this is a variation recommended by the new guidebook and it’s just left o pitch 1 proper (Nov. 2017).

Shirley following pitch 1 (Nov. 2017).

Arriving at the first belay (Nov. 2017).

Starting up the very nice pitch 2 of Malex Of Four Thoughts: pull the easy green roof above me, move left and then back to the right side of the obvious block above. Good climbing (Nov. 2017).

Shirley nearing the top of pitch 2 of Malex Of Four Thoughts (Nov. 2017).

Shirley arriving at the second belay on Malex Of Four Thoughts (Nov. 2017).

Leading the third and final scramble pitch to the summit of Waterfall Dome (Nov. 2017).

Looking back at Shirley from the pitch 3 scramble (Nov. 2017).

Unknown climbers on What’s My Line route (Nov. 2017).

Unknown climbers enjoying the fun ride that is What’s My Line (Nov. 2017).

Unknown climbers on the amazing What’s My Line route as seen from Waterfall Dome (Nov. 2017).

Looking back down the last pitch (Nov. 2017).

Shirley on the third pitch of Malex Of Four Thoughts (Nov. 2017).

The highlight of Cochise Stronghold – the stunning Rockfellow Domes. Bastion Towers are on the left; followed by Rockfellow Dome (tallest and home to the super classic Abracadaver route) and with End Pinnacle on the right (Nov. 2017).

Two unknown climbers on the summit of End Pinnacle (looking for the start of the descent route; Nov. 2017).

Shirley and The Rockfellow Group (Nov. 2017).

Shirley arriving at the summit of Waterfall Dome. Rockfellows are on the left and What’s My Line Dome is right above Shirley (Nov. 2017).

Shirley rapping off Waterfall Dome (Sept. 2017).

Benny and Shirley almost back at the car (Nov. 2017).

Packing up back at the car (Nov. 2017).

A little soak in Lake Mead on the drive home (Nov. 2017).

Water fiend (Nov. 2017).

Dinner break somewhere in the middle of nowhere, Nevada (Nov. 2017).

The last 6 hour stretch to get home. Far south eastern Oregon…bit mind boggling that you can be back in your state and still be facing 400+ miles of driving (Nov. 2017).