Go to Malaysia.
Go back to Bukit Takun.

The town of Melaka in southern Malaysia (June 2014).

Streets of Melaka (June 2014).

All things durian shop in Melaka…heaven? Pretty damn close (June 2014).

A Pakistani restaurant in Melaka with some excellent tandoori chicken; marinating operation takes place in the barrels on the left (June 2014).

Sungai Melaka flowing through downtown Melaka (June 2014).

Wandering the streets of Melaka (June 2014).

A tricked out trishaw in Melaka – a specialty of the city apparently (June 2014).

Soursop fruits (June 2014).

Somebody did not get the memo (June 2014).

Colorful street fair in Melaka’s Chinatown. Click photo for a street performance with a disproportionate (vs. delivered quality) audience…at least by our metric (June 2014).

Chinatown by night (from our trishaw ride).

Walking the streets of Chinatown the following morning in search of a recommended dim sum place (we found it and it was WOW!).

Sights in Melaka’s Chinatown (June 2014).

Durian stand (June 2014).

The tough durian fruit skin (May 2014).

A mosque in Melaka.

One of the colorful (& loud…see the speakers behind/under the driver?) “trishaws” for which Melaka is apparently famous.

Wondering if we can fit into carry on bags?
Go to Singapore.
Go to Malaysia.