Go back to India.
Go back to Bangalore Part One.

The following day, we drove out to the large Savandurga monolith. We were a little unsure in terms of which route to start with. Unfortunately, we picked a route that turned out to feature some pretty heads-up run out. The only bolts that we could see on the opening pitch were the belay bolts some 80 feet up on a moderate slab terrain. I went up about half way based on a promise that there should be a hangerless stud somewhere up there. I could not locate it and so I backed off.

Louvre on Banyan Tree Pillar.
As a small consolation prize, we drove over to the nearby Banyan Tree Pinnacle in hopes of doing some 2-pitch cragging. This too did not turn out to be as expected – though we had been forewarned by Pranee. Both Savandurga and The Pinnacle are on land where the local forest service technically does not allow climbing. This means that the established routes do not see much traffic. Consequently, whatever approach trail might have existed a few years ago had now been reclaimed by the very dense and thorny jungle. A pretty horrendous bushwhack – lots of bleeding – finally brought us to the start of the classic Louvre route (5.9), a beautiful 2-pitch crack climb to the summit. The climbing was indeed very enjoyable and included a midway belay using a banyan tree. The normal descent from the summit puts you on the far side of the formation. This seemed extremely unpalatable given the thorns. And so, we ended up rapping back down the line.

Stopping to see the world’s largest banyan tree on the drive to Savandurga (Dec. 2023).

…and also to score some breakfast (Dec. 2023).

Coffee time (Dec. 2023).

Savandurga monolith from the drive (Dec. 2023).

Shirley and Pranee on approach to the base of Savandurga (Dec. 2023).

Nearing the base of Savandurga (Dec. 2023).

Trying to spot the hangerless bolt on an opening pitch of a route on Savandurga. Photo by Punit (Dec. 2023).

Pranee and Shirley on the short (but pokey) approach to the Banyan Tree Pillar (Dec. 2023).

A nice looking tower (dome?). Having rapped this side, I’d estimate the height to be somewhere between 150-160 meters. Louvre route starts behind the obvious, huge pillar at the base on the left (Dec. 2023).

A bit of an opening before the thorny fun starts (Dec. 2023).

Shirley about to dive into the thorny bushes (Dec. 2023).

Some of the fun vegetation that tried to exsanguinate us (Dec. 2023).

Small but cool looking formation visible in the distance (Dec. 2023).

Pranee and Shirley in the thick (and thorny) of it (Dec. 2023).

On approach to Louvre route on the Banyan Tree. Probably the most heads-up (or down!) bushwhack of the trip (Dec. 2023).

Starting up the very nice pitch 1 of Louvre (Dec. 2023).

Leading pitch 1. Photo by Punit (Dec. 2023).

Higher on pitch 1 of Louvre (Dec. 2023).

Looking down from about midway up pitch. The crack above was really overgrown with grass (and the accompanying dirt) and so had to try to do some gardening (Dec. 2023)

Looking up at the grassed over section on the upper half of Louvre (Dec. 2023).

Leading pitch 1 of Louvre (Dec. 2023).

Shirley on pitch 1 (Dec. 2023).

Belaying from the banyan tree midway up the pillar (Dec. 2023).

More of Shirley on pitch 1 of Louvre (Dec. 2023).

Pretty uncomfortable stance since the bark was super slick (Dec. 2023).

Shirley in the grass-choked section of pitch 1. We both escaped to the crack on the right to bypass this (Dec. 2023).

Shirley arriving at the banyan tree belay (Dec. 2023).

Just above the opening handcrack of pitch 2 of Louvre. Apparently there’s an easier start option since pitch 2 is supposed to be 5.7 (Dec. 2023).

Views from atop the Banyan Tree Pillar (Dec. 2023).

Shirley on pitch 2 (Dec. 2023).

Aesthetic climbing (Dec. 2023).

Nice and colorful granite (Dec. 2023).

Shirley topping out on Louvre (Dec. 2023).

On the summit of Banyan Tree Pillar. Decided to rap the route to avoid having to bushwhack around the base of The Pillar (Dec. 2023).

Rapping off the banyan tree. This one was very close to 70 meters while the initial one was about 4 meters longer (Dec. 2023).

Shirley on the lower rap (Dec. 2023).

All happy to be out of the thorny bushes (Dec. 2023).

Shirley on the hike down (Dec. 2023).

One last look at the Banyan Tree Pillar (Dec. 2023).

It’s a trap (Dec. 2023).

And a quick escape before the forest service rangers show up (Dec. 2023).

Getting some fluids back into our systems (Dec. 2023).

A nice, little (single pitch) formation where Todd had apparently established a route. Never got a chance to try it (Dec. 2023).

Formation that is home to the local classic called Namaste (Dec. 2023).

Roadside randomness on the drive back (Dec. 2023).

Roadside views (Dec. 2023).

Moving into our lovely farm house outside of Ramangara (Dec. 2023).

At the farmhouse. Yeah that’s an indoor koi pond under the stairs (Dec. 2023).

Punit, Pranee, and Shirley waiting to be fed dinner at the amazing “farmhouse” by Ramangara (Dec. 2023).

Shirley and Punit (Dec. 2023).
Go to Bangalore Part Three.
Go back to India.