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Our favorite bakery in the village of Ayerbe (a few kilometers drive from Riglos) is just down the street and on the right (May 2010).

Shirley hiking through the village on the way up to La Visera (May 2010).

More of Shirley on the approach (May 2010).

Shirley starting up Moskitos (May 2010).

Shirley higher on pitch 1 (May 2010).

Following the first pitch (May 2010).

Shirley at the first belay on Moskitos (May 2010).

Starting up pitch 2 (May 2010).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 2 of Moskitos (May 2010).

More of pitch 2 (May 2010).

Shirley on pitch 2 with unknown climbers on Fiesta de los Biceps (May 2010).

Views of the village from the second belay (May 2010).

Shirley arriving at the second belay (May 2010).

More of our neighbors on Fiesta de los Biceps (May 2010).

Shirley starting up pitch 3 of Moskitos (May 2010).

Shirley nearing the third belay on Moskitos (May 2010).

Following pitch 3 (May 2010).

Views from the route (May 2010).

Leading pitch 4 (May 2010).

Looking back at Shirley from the start of pitch 4 (May 2010).

Pitch 4 of Moskitos (May 2010).

More pitch 4 – look at those blocks (May 2010).

Shirley starting pitch 4 of Moskitos (May 2010).

Shirley arriving at the fourth belay (May 2010).

Getting buzzed by a Guarda Nacional chopper…check out these guys practicing rescues on youtube…rescues or drunken stunts…either way, fun stuff (May 2010).

Shirley starting up pitch 5 (May 2010).

Making progress on pitch 5 (May 2010).

Following pitch 5 (May 2010).

Mantling onto the huge conglomerate boulder atop pitch 5 of Moskitos on Visera. Climber in the background is on Fiesta de los Biceps (7a; May 2010).

Rapping off the huge embedded stone (El Trono) high on Moskitos route on La Visera…the next pitches were running with water (May 2010).

Shirley belaying me on the “escape pitch” from Moskitos (May 2010).

Shirley following the escape pitch (May 2010).

Scrambling a gully to the top of La Visera (May 2010).

The views (May 2010).

On the hike down (May 2010).

Off route (May 2010).

Back at the base and looking up at La Visera. Click photo for full res. to see the multiple parties on it (May 2010).

Unknown climbers on Zulu Demente on Visera (May 2010).

Riglos (May 2010).

El Pison towering above the village (May 2010).
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