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Topping out on Mas-Brullet.

Setting out from the Santa Cecilia Refuge in Montserrat (Sept. 2017).

On the approach to Mas-Brullet with Cavall Bernat looking on (Sept. 2017).

Serrat del Moro formation. Mas-Brullet route climbs up to the summit of the left (taller) of two “horns” (Sept. 2017).

Approaching Serrat del Moro and its Mas-Brullet route (Sept. 2017).

Leading the first pitch of Mas-Brullet. A nice 6a crack (bit polished but sub-vertical) in a unique cave-like setting (Sept. 2017).

Looking down from the lead of pitch 1 of Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

Shirley topping out on pitch 1 (Sept. 2017).

Starting up pitch 2: nice flake to a delicate dihedral above (Sept. 2017).

Shirley on pitch 2 of Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

Views from low on Mas-Brullet route. Clouds kept rolling over us and we were expecting to get rained off on every pitch. Fortunately never happened (Sept. 2017).

Almost done with a brief crux of the pitch (Sept. 2017).

Shirley enjoying a bit of gardening at the top of pitch 3 of Mas-Brullet…I screwed up here (Sept. 2017).

Leading pitch 5 of Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

Shirley topping out on pitch 5 (Sept. 2017).

Shirley finishing up pitch 6 (Sept. 2017).

Dissipating clouds and Cavall Bernat from high on Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

Leading pitch 7 of Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

Fixed protection on Mas-Brullet…whoever said that Euros bolt everything just hasn’t climbed there enough (Sept. 2017).

The leader from the French party (of Pyrenean search and rescue apparently) ahead of us did a nice (clean) job on this crux, 9th pitch (Sept. 2017).

Shirley following the 7th pitch (Sept. 2017).

One more of the party ahead of us (thank you for the cookies gents).

Shirley topping out on pitch 7 of Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

Leading pitch 8 with the second from the French team above starting the crux 9th pitch (Sept. 2017).

Shirley starting up the brief pitch 8 (Sept. 2017).

After the opening boulder moves, a bit of a respite before things really kick up a few notches. Pitch 9 and the crux of Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

In the thick of it…actually the slightly overhanging and slick OW above got aided by me (Sept. 2017).

Shirley topping out on pitch 9 of Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

One of the guys from the other party starting their descent (Sept. 2017).

Views from atop pitch 9 (Sept. 2017).

Leading the 10th and final pitch to the summit of Serrat del Moro (Sept. 2017).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of the final pitch of Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

Cavall Bernat from summit of Serrat del Moro (Sept. 2017).

Shirley topping out on Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

Climbers (and the statue of Mary) on the summit of Cavall Bernat (Sept. 2017).

…and a closer look (Sept. 2017).

Shirley on the summit of Serrat del Moro (Sept. 2017).

A couple of scramblers doing a via ferrata on a formation next door (Sept. 2017).

Starting the raps off the summit (Sept. 2017).

A (not the) monastery structure (or some such) seen from Mas-Brullet (Sept. 2017).

Our route companions left us a parting gift: couple cookies (and our mismatched shoes with shoe laces tied together…hahaha).

A bit of bushwhacking to regain the trail on the descent (Sept. 2017).

One last look at Serrat del Moro (Sept. 2017).

The colorful village of Monistrol de Montserrat at the foot of the mountain (Sept. 2017).

Two residents of Monistrol (Sept. 2017).

A close up of one of them (Sept. 2017).

Where should we go next?
Go to Half Day In Montserrat.
Go to back to Spanish Road Trip.