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Back to Squamish. Late start on Saturday and headed for The Birds Of Prey route on The Squaw formation, advertised as a 6-pitch 5.10b but easily doable in 3 pitches. Things went well until one of my twin ropes got pinched behind a cam on the first 5.10- pitch and with some bad acoustics (“Whaaaat??!!”) we had a gumby cluster f…k moment. Apologies to the parties below for the hold up. Things were very hot and humid and we had bigger plans for Sunday. That is until Sunday morning arrived with its steady drizzle interrupted by moments of downpours. Ate a good breakfast in town & went home.Photos

Shirley leading the first pitch of Birds Of Prey on The Squaw. An aesthetic 5.8 finger crack in a beautiful black granite slab (July 2012).

Shirley leading the first pitch of Birds Of Prey. We combined these first two pitches into a nice, long 72 meter lead (July 2012).

Starting up the pretty third (our 2nd) pitch of Birds Of Prey – pretty thin hands crack in a dihedral to a balancy face traverse left. This pitch gets the 10b rating but we both thought that the 5th pitch was the same difficulty (July 2012).

An unknown party starting the first pitch of Birds Of Prey…they’d get the whole show from us as we screwed around trying to free one of our pinched twins on the third pitch above (July 2012).

Leading the pretty splitter that marks the start of pitch 3 (our 2) of Birds Of Prey. One of our twins got pinched behind a cam here and (combined with poor acoustics) made for a quite a (gumby!) cluster fuck (July 2012).

The North Summit of The Chief. Leftmost gully is the North North Gully, followed by the North Arete, followed by the North Gully and finally the Angel’s Crest arete. Howe Sound is visible on the right below (July 2012).

Leading pitches 4, 5, and 6 (our 3rd) of Birds Of Prey on The Squaw. This is the 5.10- section. Good, fun climbing (July 2012).

The Chief in less than optimal conditions on Sunday morning. Specifically The Grand Wall and the Tantalus Wall should be visible. View is from main drag in Squamish (July 2012).
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