Go back to Southeastern Australia Roadtrip.
Go back to Mount Buffalo Days 2 And 3.

We reached Yogyakarta (or Yogya, pronounced Jogja) in central Java at 10 pm, met Shirley’s brother and his kids and went out to eat straight away. We were off to the pig-out races. The following day we drove out to of the city to check out the famous Borobudur Temple; Buddhist but not really a temple. Despite our plans to be there at dawn, we got there at noon. On the upside, we were not lonely – a perfect microcosm of Java: jam the population of Russia into South Carolina, turn up the thermostat a little and you have yourself a cupful of Java. Still, it was great to see the family and enjoy the always fantastic fruit (some durian; other favorites were not in season) and food offerings of Southeast Asia. Back home on New Years Day via Jakarta, Tokyo, and Seattle.

Nearing Jakarta (Dec. 2019).

A late arrival in Yogyakarta (Dec. 2019).

Yogyakarta Airport (Dec. 2019).

Yogyakarta airport – trying to coordinate pick up with the family (Dec. 2019).

A very late dinner with family in Yogya (Dec. 2019).

Borobudur-bound the following morning (Dec. 2019).

Yogyakarta (Dec. 2019).

A roadside durian vendor (Dec. 2019).

Not the greatest but reasonably tasty (Dec. 2019).

Durian: “D” is for delicious (Dec. 2019).

Along the drive (Dec. 2019).

More random sights from the drive to Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

More durian (Dec. 2019).

So this random guy asked if he could get a picture of his family with us. We agreed but insisted that we get one taken with our camera as well (Dec. 2019).

Rambutan sale – those were in season (Dec. 2019).

Women selling rambutan by the entrance to Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

…and hats (Dec. 2019).

You want domestics’ entrance tickets (~2 hour wait & cheapo) or the internationals’ entrance tickets ($$$ and no wait)?

With the family (Dec. 2019).

Shirley and our guide on the way to Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

Borobudur with our hired guide in the lead (Dec. 2019).

Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

Walking up to the upper levels (Dec. 2019).

Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

Rain is coming (Dec. 2019).

Looking up at the main stupa (Dec. 2019).

Shirley and Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

Borobudur on a busy (typical?) day (Dec. 2019).

Shirley and Freddie (Dec. 2019).

Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

An outdoor market right at the gates to Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

A woman at the market working on some crafts (Dec. 2019).

Food stand at the market (Dec. 2019).

Shirley and Freddie walking out of Borobudur grounds (Dec. 2019).

Just outside of Borobudur grounds (Dec. 2019).

By Borobudur (Dec. 2019).

Walking back to the car (Dec. 2019).

A durian tree – have not seen one before (Dec. 2019).

Shirley and Java randomness (Dec. 2019).

A rambutan tree with fruits (Dec. 2019).

How about some “SAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!” (Dec. 2019).

The sate magic happening (Dec. 2019).

A small, one family at a time sort of place (Dec. 2019).

Durian options at a supermarket. Let’s buy a few and eat them at the hotel (Dec. 2019).

Eating continues…how about some Padang food (Dec. 2019)?

Leaving Yogyakarta bound for Jakarta and then home (Dec. 2019).

Leaving Yogya (Dec. 2019).

View from our airport side hotel in Jakarta on New Years Eve. There’s a major rainstorm approaching (Dec. 2019).

Leaving Jakarta on New Year’s Day as the leading edge of a massive storm system arrives (that would result in significant floods around wester Java; Jan. 2020).
Go back to Southeastern Australia Roadtrip.