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Go back to Suesca Day 1.

La Nariz.
Bright and early at the base of the cliff on day two. We headed straight for the area classic called La Nariz: one long pitch of 5.10- culminating with a steep and exposed crack section. Not early enough though as we had to wait for a party who were trying to get their stuck cam removed. The route was indeed fantastic and a classic by almost any standard. Second route of the day, La Directa (5.8, 3 pitches), deposited us on the summit once again where both lunch and Sebastian were waiting for us. For the final climb of the outing, we did the 3 pitch line called El Gran Techo. Though rated 5.8, we found the roof traverse considerably harder (maybe missed something?). That evening, Sebastian and his wife, Sandra (who has been feeding us with wonderful, home-cooked meals during our entire stay), invited us for a barbecue at their house. Wonderful times with our new friends rounded out the trip. After some 3 hours of sleep, we were back at Bogota airport by 6am and home by 7pm on day four.

OK, let’s go climbing (Feb. 2020).

Sebastian and Shirley making friends (Feb. 2020).

The chilled out dogs of Suesca (Feb. 2020).

Sebastian admiring the canine chillitude (Feb. 2020).

Shirley and Spanish moss (Feb. 2020).

Getting ready at the base of La Nariz. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Starting up La Nariz (Feb. 2020).

Leading the lower part of La Nariz. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

La Nariz. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Steep but short lived though very scenic crux of La Nariz. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Almost done. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Unknown climbers on an unknown pitch. Yours truly is at the anchors atop La Nariz (upper left). Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Shirley starting up La Nariz (Feb. 2020).

Shirley below the crux belayed by me. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Shirley below the crux on La Nariz (Feb. 2020).

Views from top of La Nariz (Feb. 2020).

Into the thick of it. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Into the crux of La Nariz (Feb. 2020).

A wider angle view by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

La Nariz (Feb. 2020).

Almost done. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

La Nariz (Feb. 2020).

Shirley finishing up the stellar pitch (Feb. 2020).

Shirley at the top of La Nariz. We used somebody else’s (nicely) extended tat (Feb. 2020).

Rapping off La Nariz. Another cool pic courtesy of Sebastian. His artist’s touch is plainly visible (Feb. 2020).

Love the shirt man! Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

The campground at the base of the cliff (Feb. 2020).

Shirley and Sebastian on approach to La Directa (Feb. 2020).

Starting up pitch 1 of La Directa (Feb. 2020).

Leading pitch 1 of La Directa. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Topping out on pitch 1. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Shirley on pitch 1. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Atop pitch 1 of La Directa (a large system you can hike up to). Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Moving the belay atop pitch 1 of La Directa. This is a ledge system where you can hike up. Another cool photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

La Directa – view from the lead of pitches 2-3 (Feb. 2020).

Shirley topping out on La Directa (pitch 3, done in 2; Feb. 2020).

Top of La Directa. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

The beauty of Suesca. Another gem by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Top of La Directa. Photo by Sebastian and (a great) lunch by Sandra (Feb. 2020).

Feijoa fruit (Feb. 2020).

Very tasty and new to us (Feb. 2020).

Hiking off from La Directa. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Caught a bit of a folk performance on the summit (Feb. 2020).

Hiking along the base (Feb. 2020).

Along the cliff base with snack vendors (Feb. 2020).

Starting up El Gran Techo. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Higher on pitch 1. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Shirley starting up El Gran Techo. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

More pitch 1 action by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Shirley (in blue) belayed on the first pitch of El Gran Techo by me (in blue also; Feb. 2020).

Shirley topping out on pitch 1 of El Gran Techo (Feb. 2020).

A closer look by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Views from pitch 1 of El Gran Techo (Feb. 2020).

Moving the belay. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Starting up pitch 2 of El Gran Techo (Feb. 2020).

Leading pitch 2. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

El Gran Techo, pitch 2 by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Shirley on pitch 2. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Shirley on pitch 2 (Feb. 2020).

Belaying Shirley on pitch 2 of El Gran Techo. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Shirley arriving at the second belay on El Gran Techo (Feb. 2020).

At the semi-hanging belay atop pitch 2 of El Gran Techo…clenched up like Harvey in prison (Feb. 2020).

Starting the traverse under the roof (Feb. 2020).

Kind of hard I thought. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

More of the money pitch. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Nearing the end of pitch 3 (Feb. 2020).

Shirley belaying me on pitch 3 of El Gran Techo (Feb. 2020).

Theft-proofed (Feb. 2020).

And starting up pitch 3 of El Gran Techo (Feb. 2020).

Shirley on the opening crack of pitch 3. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Almost at the roof traverse (Feb. 2020).

A wider view courtesy of Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

And an even wider view. Thank you Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

At the crux (Feb. 2020).

Shirley finishing up the crux pitch of El Gran Techo. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Views from pitch 3 of El Gran Techo (Feb. 2020).

Shirley arriving at the belay (Feb. 2020).

Setting up the rappel. Photo by Sebastian (Feb. 2020).

Shirley rapping off El Gran Techo (Feb. 2020).

Sebastian and Shirley on approach to the post-climb beers on our day 2 (Feb. 2020).

Suesca the town (Feb. 2020).

Sebastian and Shirley enjoying the post climb beers in Suesca (Feb. 2020).

Suesca (Feb. 2020).

Shirley and Sebastian heading back to our hostel (Feb. 2020).

Suesca (Feb. 2020).

Till next time (Feb. 2020).
Go back to Suesca.