Go back to Ecuador.
Go back to More Cojitambo.



Shirley and Felipe strolling the streets of Old Town Cuenca (July 2021).

Cuenca (July 2021).

Cuenca (July 2021).

Cuenca (July 2021).

Flower market in Cuenca (July 2021).

Cuenca – gotta say, a pretty looking and a seemingly livable city (July 2021).

Only question is guinea or roasted – Shirley and Felipe considering lunch options (July 2021).

Looks delish (July 2021).

Not like chicken (July 2021).

View out of our hotel window (July 2021).

Dropping down towards the coast on our drive from Cuenca to Simiatug the following day (July 2021).

Multiple cloud layers rolling in from the Pacific (July 2021).

Pork skin snacks at a toll plaza on a highway (July 2021).

A fruit stand somewhere in the coastal lowlands (July 2021).

A weird looking waterpark along the drive (July 2021).

Roadtrip randomness (July 2021).

I think we might have a leak somewhere (July 2021).

Guaranda in the Andes (July 2021).

Guaranda (July 2021).

Guaranda. Food shopping in anticipation of our upcoming two nights in the backcountry (July 2021).

Indigenous women in Guaranda (July 2021).

Guaranda (July 2021).

Guaranda (July 2021).

Hostal La Minga in Salinas. Our jumping off point for Simiatug (July 2021).

View out of our window. Weather is looking terrific (July 2021).

Shirley chilling in the common area (July 2021).

Trying the traditional pájaro azul liquor (July 2021).

In the morning, outside of our hostel in Salinas (July 2021).

On the drive to Simiatug (July 2021).

Shirley and Cocha Colorada. The formations are socked in the clouds (July 2021).

A wolf (July 2021).

Shirley checking out the community hut at Cocha Colorada (July 2021).

Killing time in the village of Simiatug; checking out a weavers’ workshop (July 2021).

Felipe and Manuel posing with a piece of tapestry that the villagers wove just for Felipe (July 2021).

Back at Cocha Colorada lagoon. The towers of Simiatug are sort of visible (July 2021).

Felipe and Manuel (July 2021).

Let’s give it a go. Packing up (July 2021).

Shirley starting the approach (July 2021).

The horse carrying our gear on the approach (July 2021).

Interesting looking flora (July 2021).

The hard working pony (July 2021).

Weather got worse (July 2021).

And so we pulled the plug (July 2021).

Checking out some fresh but small rock debris on the road (July 2021).
Go to Quilotoa Lake.
Go back to Ecuador.