Go back to Ecuador.

Middle of the night arrival in Quito followed by a short night in the airport hotel and an hourlong hop southward to Cuenca the following morning. Felipe met us at the airport and we drove some 45 minutes out of the city to the village of Cojitambo. There we’d stay at Juan Gabriel’s house – an old school climber and the driving force behind route development at Cojitambo – and enjoy his hospitality, which included listening to lots of classic rock, for about 4 days.

On the first day of climbing we headed up to the base of the right-hand peak and climbed a pitch named Vamo Hacele (6a+). Fun and clean but I screwed up at the top and ended up at a wrong belay station. Eventually solved the problem but then the upper pitch looked terribly vegetated and so I got on a different route (Chilin) which ended up spitting me off. A little blooded up and with bruised egos, we tucked tail and called it a day. Not a great start. Second day went better and we climbed the classic Langarota route on the left hand peak, about 8 pitches and 6a+. Felipe met us at the top and together we hiked off, checking out some Inca ruins on the way down.

Light is right. Waiting for our quick hop down to Cuenca (July 2021).

Welcome to Cuenca (July 2021).

Juan Gabriel’s house where we stayed during our time in Cojitambo (July 2021).

Cojitambo (July 2021).

Cojitambo – the two summits (July 2021).

Cojitambo (July 2021).

Making plans at Juan Gabriel’s (July 2021).

Misha (Juan Gabriel’s tiger) chilling outside (July 2021).

Cojitambo the town (July 2021).

Starting the hike-up to the walls (July 2021).

The approach hike (July 2021).

The church that dominates the center of the village (July 2021).

Some light bushwhacking (July 2021).

Nearing the base (July 2021).

At the base of the walls on our first day. Photo by Felipe (July 2021).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of Vamo Hacele (July 2021).

Shirley following Vamo Hacele though I am at a wrong belay here (July 2021).

Views from Vamo Hacele (July 2021).

Shirley nearing an incorrect belay “on” Vamo Hacele (July 2021).

Starting up an incorrect pitch 2 (July 2021).

Yours truly giving Chilin a go. Photo by Felipe (July 2021).

After my little winger on Chilin. Photo by Felipe (July 2021).

Hiking down – not a great first day (July 2021).

Cojitambo (July 2021).

Lunch (July 2021).

Misha (July 2021).

Shirley and Misha hanging out at Juan Gabriel’s house (July 2021).

At Juan Gabriel’s house in Cojitambo (July 2021).

Back for more the next day (July 2021).

Starting up Langarota via the Iriza opening pitch (July 2021).

Higher on Iriza (July 2021).

Nearing the top of Iriza (July 2021).

Shirley on Iriza (July 2021).

View of the quarrying operation at the base of the walls (July 2021).

Shirley arriving at the first belay (July 2021).

Starting up pitch 2. This is Langarota proper (July 2021).

Views from Langarota (July 2021).

Shirley on pitch 2 (July 2021).

Arriving at the second belay (July 2021).

Leading pitch 3 (July 2021).

Higher on pitch 3 of Langarota (July 2021).

Shirley on pitch 3 (July 2021).

Looking up at pitch 4 (July 2021).

Shirley topping out on pitch 3 (July 2021).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 4 (July 2021).

Shirley arriving at the fourth belay (July 2021).

Leading pitch 5 of Langarota (July 2021).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 5 (July 2021).

The village as seen from high on Langarota (July 2021).

Pitch 5 (July 2021).

Pitch 5 (July 2021).

Shirley arriving at the fifth belay on Langarota (July 2021).

The main square (July 2021).

Looking up at the stacked blocks that are pitch 6 of Langarota (July 2021).

Shirley at the fifth belay (July 2021).

Starting up pitch 6 (July 2021).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 6 (July 2021).

Views from the route (July 2021).

Shirley topping out on pitch 6 (July 2021).

Shirley at the sixth and final belay (July 2021).

Arriving on the summit via Langarota (July 2021).

Hiking down from the main summit (July 2021).

Shirley and Felipe on the backside descent (via a road; July 2021).

Checking out some Inca ruins atop the walls (July 2021).

A wider view of the ruins (July 2021).

Guard dogs somewhere along the hike down (July 2021).

Cojitambo the town (July 2021).

A woman in traditional garb in Cojitambo (July 2021).
Go to More Cojitambo.
Go back to Ecuador.