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Go back to Bienvenidos a mi Insomnio 1.

Final pitch (#20).

The good-morning pitches (#14 & 15) of day two (Jan. 2015).

Shirley topping out on pitch 15 (Jan. 2015).

Shirley on pitch 16 – hollow rock, sparse pro but easy climbing (Jan. 2015).

Shirley finishing pitch 17 (Jan. 2015).

Shirley at the belay for pitch 17 – a bit of wideness and some delicate face above (Jan. 2015).

Looking up at the beautiful granite that still stands between us and the summit (Jan. 2015).

Slabby finish to pitch 17 (Jan. 2015).

Pitch 18.

Leading the pretty 5.10- tips crack on pitch 19 of Bienvenidos a mi Insomnio…last of the 5.10 climbing (Jan. 2015).

Looking back from the 5.10- finger crack of pitch 19 (Jan. 2015).

Leading the final pitch (20) of Bienvenidos a mi Insomnio…we’re are ready to be done!

Views from top of the route – a bit of hiking stand between us and the summit (Jan. 2015).

Done, done, done!

Near the summit of Cerro Trinidad. Was going to rotate the photo but hey – it reflects our tired state well I thought (Jan. 2015).

We were running low on water but fortunately found this mossy drip right below the summit (Jan. 2015).

More views from the top (Jan. 2015).

Shirley starting the hike off the summit of Cerro Trinidad. It’s well cairned and easy…until you rap into the gully, then it becomes a loose pain in the ass (Jan. 2015).

Shirley hiking down the gully. In the daylight, it’s a PITA but not too bad; would be pretty dangerous in darkness (lots of very loose drop offs to meander around – don’t slip!).

One last look see at the beautiful face (Jan. 2015).

Shirley happy to be done! We spent one more night in our Valle Trinidad bivy before hiking out (Jan. 2015).

Hiking down the next day back to our base camp. What trail erosion?

Back in base camp on the valley floor, we aired out our stuff and even took showers…

Morning coffee in our base camp (while admiring the route we’ve just done).

Cerro Trinidad from the valley floor (Jan. 2015).
Go to Camp Farm.
Go back to Cochamo.