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Chocolate Liquido.
We’ve heard about the great value of bus travel in South America and indeed our Puerto Montt to Bariloche ride lived up to the hype. Comfy, punctual, and fairly cheap. We arrived in Bariloche in the afternoon and rushed over to Club Andino in downtown. Wanted to make sure we could grab a Frey guidebook before they closed. A quick night in a shit hole motel but with the attribute of having the bus stop for the trailhead ride right outside its door. As we were getting off the bus, we were still undecided as to how we were going to do the approach: a mindless trail with all the elevation gain or a ski lift ride followed by a flat-ish boulder hop. Despite the steep lift ticket price, we opted for the latter. The ridge top hike turned out to be quite spectacular and well marked. I must’ve been a bit too absorbed in the scenery – one second I’m taking in the views, the next my ~80lb pack is driving me face first into a boulder. Three hours or so after getting off the ski lift we arrived at Refugio Frey.

Objetivo Luna.


Port of entry on the Argentina side. Going was much slower on the return with the Chilean customs thoroughly searching the bags looking for the amazing Argentinian salamis (Feb. 2015).

Bariloche and the spires of Frey from the bus ride (Feb. 2015).

St. Bernards of Bariloche (Feb. 2015).

Yerba mate gourd shopping (Feb. 2015).

Two national passions of Argentina (Feb. 2015).

The Argentinian salamis really made our pasta meals in Frey into something special (Feb. 2015).

Cheating our way up to Refugio Frey…not really. You do a 3 hour lateral boulder hopping instead of a 3 hour trail (uphill) hike (Feb. 2015).

The start of the hike to the Refugio from the top of the ski lifts (Feb. 2015).

Pretty views along the way (Feb. 2015).

With some pretty flowers (Feb. 2015).

Next thing I know, my ~80lbs pack is driving my face into a boulder (Feb. 2015).

And back to the views (Feb. 2015).

Really nice hike actually (Feb. 2015).

Getting there.

Lago Schmoll above the Refugio (Feb. 2015).

Lago Schmoll – I think it’s the water source for the Refugio Frey (Feb. 2015).

The final stretch to the Refugio…not a bad view, eh?

Lago Toncek, Refugio Frey and the nice looking Aguja Frey on the right (Feb. 2015).

A cross between a duck and a vulture…dulture? Vuck?
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