Go back to Sudan.
Go back to Khartoum To Kassala.

Khatmiyah Mosque.
We started early on day one; a little bit of driving around to orient ourselves. Started hiking up to our first objective – fairly rough approach with boulder hopping almost from the start and lots of thorny plants. We’d get a little smarter the next day and start using goat trails (easy enough to follow with their droppings). Our route of choice turned out to be pretty runout and on exfoliating, flakey granite; we ended up bailing.
Ghazi picked us up and we went to check out the Kassala outdoor souk while Ghazi did the dinner shopping. A lively place. Ghazi’s cooking skills turned out to be pretty fantastic! We ate very well during those days in Kassala.

Starting the approach hike on our first morning (Dec. 2021).

Taka Mountains (Dec. 2021).

Just above the village (Dec. 2021).

Shirley starting the boulder hopping (Dec. 2021).

Khatmiyah Mosque (Dec. 2021).

Shirley with Jebel Totil (Dec. 2021).

At the base of a route (Dec. 2021).

Leading something (Dec. 2021).

Bit higher on the same something (Dec. 2021).

Shirley taking in the views (Dec. 2021).

More views (Dec. 2021).

Taka Mountains (Dec. 2021).

Shirley on the outskirts of the village with Jebel Totil in the background (Dec. 2021).

Tea houses advertisement (Dec. 2021).

Hiking back to the pick up point by the mosque (Dec. 2021).

There it is (Dec. 2021).

Shirley in front of the Khatmiyah Mosque (Dec. 2021).

Khatmiyah Mosque (Dec. 2021).

The beautiful Khatmiyah Mosque (Dec. 2021).

Shirley with Khatmiyah Mosque (Dec. 2021).

Men relaxing in the shade (Dec. 2021).

Waiting for Ghazi in the shade of a tree (Dec. 2021).

The backside (a.k.a. the east side) of Taka Mountains (Dec. 2021).

Shirley and some camels (Dec. 2021).

Kassala camel market (Dec. 2021).

And goat market (Dec. 2021).

Shirley and the goats (Dec. 2021).

Kassala goat market (Dec. 2021).

More of Kassala goat market (Dec. 2021).

Looking to score some coffee at the market (Dec. 2021).

View from the cafe (Dec. 2021).

Oh yeah (Dec. 2021).

With Ghazi at the cafe (Dec. 2021).

Ghazi and Shirley at the market (Dec. 2021).

Kassala (Dec. 2021).

Heading for the Kassala souq (Dec. 2021).

Men drinking coffee in Kassala (Dec. 2021).

Kassala souq (Dec. 2021).

Shirley blending in (Dec. 2021).

Buying some mangos (Dec. 2021).

Kassala souq (Dec. 2021).

A meat vendor (Dec. 2021).

Kassala (Dec. 2021).

Charcoal vendors (Dec. 2021).

Omnipresent Che (Dec. 2021).

Taka Mountains from Kassala (Dec. 2021).

Shirley and Ghazi about to enjoy an excellent home-cooked meal in our apartment in Kassala (Dec. 2021).

The multi-course dinner courtesy of Ghazi. We ate very well indeed throughout the whole trip (Dec. 2021).
Go to Kassala – Part Two.
Go back to Sudan.