Go back to Mauritania.
Go back to Ben Amera Day Three.

Checking out the third principal dome called Haddada was our next goal. We picked a 5 pitch, 6a line called Shibari (probably shouldn’t google that one on your work laptop). Nicely varied climbing though still a little crunchy given that the line is relatively new.

Morning in camp as we get ready to head out to Haddada Dome (Nov. 2024).

Haddada Dome as seen from the drive (Nov. 2024).

Approaching the Shibari route on Haddada Dome. Dah’s already at the base (Nov. 2024).

Dah’s truck and Ben Amera from Shibari on Haddada Dome (Nov. 2024).

Starting up Shibari (Nov. 2024).

Shirley on pitch 1 (Nov. 2024).

Arriving at the first belay; a short pitch (Nov. 2024).

Starting up pitch 2 of Shibari. Should’ve combined the first two, relatively short pitches. Pitch 2 has some hollow sounding rock and combining would’ve been potentially safer for the belayer (Nov. 2024).

Views from the first belay (Nov. 2024).

At the second belay on Shibari (Nov. 2024).

Shirley starting pitch 2 (Nov. 2024).

Shirley traversing a hollow-sounding flake on pitch 2 (Nov. 2024).

Starting up pitch 3 of Shibari. Pretty fun but with some hollow sounding holds (Nov. 2024).

Pitch 3 of Shibari (Nov. 2024).

Shirley starting pitch 3 (Nov. 2024).

Looking towards Ben Amera from the third belay (Nov. 2024).

Shirley nearing the top of pitch 3 (Nov. 2024).

Starting pitch 4 of Shibari. Solid, nice rock on this one (Nov. 2024).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 4 (Nov. 2024).

One more (Nov. 2024).

Views towards Ben Amera from the fourth pitch belay on Shibari (Nov. 2024).

More views from belay number four (Nov. 2024).

Shirley starting up pitch 4 (Nov. 2024).

Pitch 4 (Nov. 2024).

Shirley arriving at the fourth belay (Nov. 2024).

Easy pitch 5 took us to the summit of Haddada (Nov. 2024).

Pitch 5 (Nov. 2024).

A closer look at Shirley belaying me on pitch 5 (Nov. 2024).

Pitch 5 (Nov. 2024).

Scrambling over to the summit of Haddada Dome (Nov. 2024).

Shirley hiking the summit ridge of Haddada to the Voie Normal descent (Nov. 2024).

Shirley atop Haddada Dome (Nov. 2024).

Wankers atop Haddada with Ben Aicha in the background (Nov. 2024).

Hiking the summit ridge of Haddada (Nov. 2024).

Views towards Ben Aicha from the summit of Haddada (Nov. 2024).

Shirley on Haddada (Nov. 2024).

We spotted Dah, Mohammad, and Sid Ahmed making their way up the Voie Normale as we were descending (Nov. 2024).

Team shot on the Voie Normale (Nov. 2024).

Another group shot from Haddada’s Voie Normale (Nov. 2024).

Almost back to our ride (Nov. 2024).

Mohammad prepping the post-climb tea in a cool cave near the base of Shibari (Nov. 2024).

Tea time for the wankers (Nov. 2024).
Go to Ben Amera Day Five.
Go back to Mauritania.