Go back to Mauritania.
Go back to Ben Amera Day Two.

Meme les Chameaux Meurent de Soif.
Day three started with some desert exploration and general shenanigans. The goal was to climb the Meme les Chameaux Meurent de Soif route (6 pitch, 6a) back on Ben Aicha but it would only go into the shade by about 2:30pm. We started right on the mark. The line climbs slabs in a right facing dihedral. We enjoyed the climbing and were met on the summit by Dah and Mohammed who had scrambled up the Normal Route. We got back to the base in time for sunset.

Shirley and our tent (Nov. 2024).

Mohammad and Shirley ready to head out (Nov. 2024).

Ben Aicha (Nov. 2024).

Dah sketching out the relative locations of the three principal domes (Nov. 2024).

Ben Aicha on the left (Nov. 2024).

Ben Amera (Nov. 2024).

The crew in the desert with Ben Aicha in the distance (Nov. 2024).

Shirley doing some rock collecting in the desert (Nov. 2024).

Looks like a stone tool (Nov. 2024).

Quite the rainbow of minerals (Nov. 2024).

Desert games (Nov. 2024).

Dah showing us how it’s done (Nov. 2024).

Ben Aicha from near the base of Haddada Dome (Nov. 2024).

Haddada Dome. The Shibari route climbs the obvious dihedral system on the right (Nov. 2024).

Ben Amera in the distance (Nov. 2024).

Desert shenanigans (Nov. 2024).

Those sled push reps came in handy (Nov. 2024).

Zoomed in view of Ben Amera (Nov. 2024).

Another view our camp at the foot of Ben Amera (Nov. 2024).

A closer look at the “bellybutton of the world” (Nov. 2024).

Approaching Ben Aicha in the afternoon (Nov. 2024).

Racking up for Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif. Photo by Dah (Nov. 2024).

Some wee beastie at the base of Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif (Nov. 2024).

Shirley starting up pitch 1 of Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif (Nov. 2024).

Some tourists checking out the sculptures at the base of Ben Aicha. Photo from the first belay (Nov. 2024).

Shirley arriving at the first belay (Nov. 2024).

Starting up pitch 2 of Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif (Nov. 2024).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 2 (Nov. 2024).

Higher on pitch 2 (Nov. 2024).

Views from the second belay on Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif (Nov. 2024).

Shirley on pitch 2 (Nov. 2024).

Shirley on pitch 2 of Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif. Photo by Dah. Implied angle is a bit lower than reality (Nov. 2024).

Shirley following pitch 2 of Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif. Photo by Dah. Now this photo certainly exaggerates the angle (Nov. 2024).

Arriving at the second belay (Nov. 2024).

Leading pitch 3 (Nov. 2024).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 3 (Nov. 2024).

Higher on pitch 3 (Nov. 2024).

Shirley on pitch 3 (Nov. 2024).

Views from the third belay (Nov. 2024).

Shirley arriving at the third belay (Nov. 2024).

Leading pitch 4 (Nov. 2024).

Shirley on pitch 4 of Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif (Nov. 2024).

Ben Amera from the fourth belay (Nov. 2024).

Dah and his truck from the fourth belay (Nov. 2024).

Arriving at the fourth belay (Nov. 2024).

Starting up pitch 5 (Nov. 2024).

Shirley and Ben Amera from the lead of pitch 5 (Nov. 2024).

More pitch 5 (Nov. 2024).

Topping out on pitch 5 (Nov. 2024).

Views of Hadadda and its immediate neighbors (Nov. 2024).

Views of Ben Amera from the fifth belay station (Nov. 2024).

Shirley starting pitch 5 of Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif (Nov. 2024).

Shirley higher on pitch five (Nov. 2024).

Arriving at the fifth belay (Nov. 2024).

Starting the lead of pitch 6 (Nov. 2024).

Looking back at Shirley from the lead of pitch 6 (Nov. 2024).

Higher on pitch 6 (Nov. 2024).

Views from the sixth belay (Nov. 2024).

Shirley on pitch 6 (Nov. 2024).

Shirley topping out on the route via pitch 6 (Nov. 2024).

Shirley taking us to the summit (there’s Dah!) via a scrambly pitch 7 (Nov. 2024).

Shirley and Dah coiling ropes atop Memes Les Chameaux Meurent De Soif (Nov. 2024).

Mohammad, Dah, Shirley, and Ben Amera (Nov. 2024).

Group pic just below the summit of Ben Aicha (Nov. 2024).

Mohammad, Dah, and Shirley (Nov. 2024).

Mohammad on the summit (Nov. 2024).

Mohammad is celebrating his first dome summit (Nov. 2024).

Ben Amera from the summit of Ben Aicha (Nov. 2024).

Summit of Ben Aicha with Ben Amera in the background (Nov. 2024).

Starting down the Voie Normale (Nov. 2024).

Dah and Shirley hiking down the class 3 slabs (Nov. 2024).

Mesmerizing (Nov. 2024).

Magic hour (Nov. 2024).

Made it to the truck just before sunset (Nov. 2024).

A look back at Ben Aicha as we drive back to camp in the early evening (Nov. 2024).
Go to Ben Amera Day Four.
Go back to Mauritania.