2024 Non-Climbing

Silver Star

Silver Star

Silver Star Mountain with my brother. The first large patch of snow (April 13, 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Continuous snow (April 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

The boys just below the summit (April 2024).

Silver Star

Shirley and Tom nearing the summit (April 2024).

Silver Star

The summit was a bit crowded (April 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Starting the hike down (April 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Happy dogs!

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Silver Star (April 2024).

Silver Star

Somebody left it all on the hike!

Hood River

A swimming hole by Hood River the following day (April 2024).

Hood River

Cooling off (April 2024).

Hood River

Drying cycle (April 2024).

Hood River

One more (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin

Another late spring lap to Spring Basin and Horse Mountain (May 2024).

Spring Basin

What a great hike (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (May 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (May 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (May 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (May 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Shirley on the shoulder of Horse Mountain (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Were too early by about a week for peak bloom (April 28, 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Lunch and drinks on the summit of Horse Mountain – the endpoint of the Spring Basin hike (May 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Spring Basin

Spring Basin (April 2024).

Neskowin Beach

Neskowin Beach

Neskowin Beach (May 2024).

Neskowin Beach

Neskowin Beach (May 2024).

Neskowin Beach

Neskowin Beach (May 2024).

Neskowin Beach

Neskowin Beach good times (May 2024).

Neskowin Beach

Neskowin Beach (May 2024).

Neskowin Beach

Neskowin Beach (May 2024).

Neskowin Beach

Sharing water: OK. Sharing food: hard NO (May 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll: first lap of the season (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

The boys with Mt. Adams (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Benny and Mt. Hood (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll: the summit plateau with Mt. Hood in the distance (May 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll (June 2024).

Grassy Knoll

Grassy Knoll (June 2024).

Macks Canyon

Macks Canyon

A rainy weekend in mid June. Pretty location but we were worried about rattlers so not much freedom for the beasties (June 2024).

Macks Canyon

A walk along an old railroad grade punctuated by some missing bridges (June 2024).

Macks Canyon

Macks Canyon (June 2024).

Macks Canyon

Macks Canyon (June 2024).

Macks Canyon

Macks Canyon (June 2024).

Macks Canyon

Macks Canyon (June 2024).

Macks Canyon

Macks Canyon (June 2024).

Macks Canyon

Macks Canyon (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Junction Lake

Junction Lake – first visit of the year on Juneteenth. Bit disappointed that it’s still mostly frozen (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Junction Lake (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Junction Lake (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Play involved busting up the thin ice sheets in the shallows (June 2024).

Junction Lake

A big of open water (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Junction Lake (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Patjens Lakes

Starting the ~7 mile look of Patjens Lakes. Perfect time to do it: snow-free and not unbearably hot (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Patjens Lakes (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Pre-cooling in a small tarn early on the hike (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

The boys (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Shirley with Mount Jefferson and Three Fingered Jack in the background (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Patjens Lakes (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

The boys with Sisters in the background (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Shirley in a sea of manzanita (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

A dip in the first (of 4) Patjens Lake (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Wrestling match (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

They ended up breaking the stick in two (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Longer swimming session in the third Patjens Lake (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Same lake (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

With Mount Washington in the background (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

And the swimming highlight of the hike: Big Lake near the trailhead (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Davey launching (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Big Lake (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Mount Washington and Big Lake (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Nearing the trailhead (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Big Lake and Mount Washington (June 2024).

Patjens Lakes

Shirley and the boys posing (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Junction Lake

On the way back to Junction Lake 3 days later (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Junction Lake (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Junction Lake (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Junction Lake (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Junction Lake. Three days of warm temps really melted things out (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Yes, there was swimming despite upper 50s (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Will work for cheese (June 2024).

Junction Lake

One (June 2024).

Junction Lake

And two (June 2024).

Junction Lake

Still plenty of snow on the approach (June 2024).

Bear Lake (Wallowas)

Bear Lake

Looks like the right time to skip town (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Packing up at the trailhead for our 3 night outing to Bear Lake in the Wallowas. Fourth of July Weekend 2024.

Bear Lake

Early on the hike (July 2024).

Bear Lake

The boys on the approach (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Davey on the dry footed (pawed?) crossing option (July 2024).

Bear Lake

The other way of crossing the first stream (July 2024).

Bear Lake

On the hike out, both boys ended up falling off this little bridge into the stream (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Entering the alpine zone (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Further up the valley the views become a bit more alpine-y (July 2024).

Bear Lake


Bear Lake

Cheese break (July 2024).

Bear Lake

More airborne cheese (July 2024).

Bear Lake

A break during the approach (July 2024).

Bear Lake

The handsome big boy (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Arriving at Bear Lake, our home for the next three nights (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Tom, Shirley, and the boys (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Davey dog between his lap swims (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Shirley getting dinner ready (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Oh yeah!

Bear Lake

Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Backcountry gourmet (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Bear Lake at dawn. Another from the Tom collection (July 2024).

Bear Lake

A bald eagle (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Beach time (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Benny (July 2024).

Bear Lake

A big wet Dave dog!

Bear Lake

Davey loving life (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Benny and Davey (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Swimming the boys (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Tom and the boys on a small snowfield at the far end of Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

The trip hit all the canine spots: hiking, swimming, and snow shenanigans (July 2024).

Bear Lake

More beach time (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Both were tied off during dinner prep (as the food is all perfectly at their nose level; July 2024).

Bear Lake

Chilling in camp (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Tired Dave Dogg (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Dinner number two: freeze dried…kidding! All fresh (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Another dinner prep (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Evening in camp (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Camp life (July 2024).

Bear Lake

A nice campfire on evening number two at Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Pre-swimming morning coffee (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Another day of swimming shenanigans (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Tumble dry cycle (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Davey taking off (July 2024).

Bear Lake

And coming in for a landing (July 2024).

Bear Lake

A quick shake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Davey and an airborne stick (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Loving it!

Bear Lake

Benny’s turn (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Loving it!

Bear Lake


Bear Lake

Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Cooking meth and pouring vino (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Another backcountry dinner (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Benny boy (July 2024).

Bear Lake

In camp (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Starting the hike out (July 2024).

Bear Lake

On the hike out (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Bear Lake (July 2024).

Bear Lake

Bear Lake (July 2024).