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Looking back at Shirley at belay from the start of the beautiful pitch 2 of Givler's Crack (5.8; May 2004).
Shirley & I returned to Leavenworth on a May weekend in 2004. We climbed the nice 3-pitch
Midway (5.6) line on Castle Rock and the 2.5-pitch long
Givler’s Crack (5.8) on Givler’s Dome. The one moment of excitement came when Blondie & I almost stepped on a small rattler while hiking down from Givler’s.
Midway (5.6)

Castle Rock as seen from US highway 2 (May 2004).

Leading pitch 1 of Midway (5.6) on Castle Rock. You can see all the way through to the Damnation Crack on the other side of Jello Tower (May 2004).

Leading pitch 2 of Midway..one of the million variations...not eh 5.9 one (May 2004).

Higher up on pitch 2 of Midway on Castle Rock (May 2004).

Looking back at Shirley from the start of the lead of pitch 3 of Midway on Castle Rock (May 2004).

Shirley topping out on Midway route on Castle Rock (May 2004).

Shirley on the summit of Castle Rock after our climb of Midway (May 2004).
Givler’s Crack (5.8)

Shirley hiking in to Givler's Crack on Givler's Dome visible above (May 2004).

An unknown party on pitch 1 of Givler's Crack (May 2004).

Looking back at Shirley at belay from the start of the beautiful pitch 2 of Givler's Crack (5.8; May 2004).

Shirley atop pitch 2 of Givler's Crack (5.8; May 2004).

Shirley topping out on Givler's Dome via Givler's Crack (May 2004).

Blondie waiting for us at base of Givler's Crack (May 2004).

A small rattler on the side of the trail Blondie & I missed during the descent hike. It took Shirley's scream for us to notice (May 2004).
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