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Blueberry Route.
Our summer climbing took a turn for the shitty as Shirley injured her ankle (one weekend) and then Blondie injured her back (another weekend). Though given how quickly she recovered we are now convinced she just wasn’t feeling like doing the 3+ hour approach that particular weekend. As a test for Shirley’s ankle, we went back to Darrington and climbed the decent
West Buttress Route a.k.a.
The Blueberry Route (5.8ish, 10 pitch-ish) on the Exfoliation Dome. We’ve heard of the somewhat painful and bushwhacking rappels from the summit but instead found a well equipped and stress free rap line. Our only company that day were two guys doing a first ascent of their new route next door (to the right of
Westward Ho). Nice views from the top and that Granite Sidewalk would’ve been something to descend had the conditions been anything but bone dry…

Shirley on the morning approach up the (steep) Sidewalk to the base of the west face of Exfoliation Dome (Aug. 2012).

The west face of Exfoliation Dome as seen from the Total Soul route on Three O’Clock Rock. The Blueberry Route a.k.a. The West Buttress route (III 5.8+) is (roughly) shown in red.

Shirley leading the aesthetic part of pitch 2 of The Blueberry Route (Aug. 2012).

Looking towards the Green Giant Buttress from somewhere on The Blueberry Route on Exfoliation Dome (Aug. 2012).

The closeup view of Green Giant Buttress with its classic Dreamer route from low on The Blueberry Route on Exfoliation Dome (Aug. 2012).

Shirley leading the less aesthetic part of pitch 2 of The Blueberry Route (Aug. 2012).

Three O’Clock Rock as seen from low on The Blueberry Route. The longer routes (Silent Running, Total Soul, etc) probably follow the right skyline (Aug. 2012).

Shirley following pitch 3 of The Blueberry Route…probably the best pitch of the route (Aug. 2012).

Shirley topping out on pitch 3 of The Blueberry Route (crux pitch; Aug. 2012).

Shirley leading pitch 4 of The Blueberry Route (Aug. 2012).

The Blueberry Terrace with the view of Three O’Clock Rock visible in the background (Aug. 2012).

Shirley on the Blueberry Terrace with the Green Giant Buttress visible in the background (Aug. 2012).

View south along the ridge of the Exfoliation Dome. Mark H. & partner have just topped out on their new route (Aug. 2012).

Shirley on the summit of the Exfoliation Dome (Aug. 2012).

Shirley starting the steep hike down The Sidewalk after our climb of The Blueberry Route on the west face of Exfoliation Dome (background; Aug. 2012).
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