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Shirley leading Developing Arms (5.9) on the Royal Columns. Orange Sunshine (5.10b) is the crack on the right. Photo credit by Kevin B. (Dec. 2011).
A nice Sunday in Tieton River with Kevin B. whom we met during our research for the now defunct Mali climbing trip. Imagine no published information, only trace pieces of beta (some photos is all) on the interwebs and one of the few Americans who have actually climbed there living in our city & working 5 minutes from our house…But I digress. We got to the Royal Columns trailhead at 10ish in the morning & found chilly conditions. Drove up canyon in search of south facing walls and ended up at The Oasis or The Cave or some such shit (?). After a couple uninspiring (if nicely sunlit) sport pitches, we made our way back to The Royal Columns where Shirley led
Developing Arms (5.9), I led (& failed to send)
Orange Sunshine (5.10b), and Kevin did
Cross-Eyed And Painless (5.9, in the fading daylight). It was nice to be crack climbing again after a long spell of crimpy face climbing outings. Fun times & good company…in fact, I’d go as far as to say that if it were just Shirley & me we’d end up having a lovely breakfast in Yak after we got a foretaste of that cold air at Royal Columns TH…so THANKS A LOT Kevin for making us climb 😉

Blondie enjoying the warm sunshine at the base of the Cave (?) in Tieton. The chilly gorge bottom are visible below (Dec. 2011).

Shirley starting up Developing Arms (5.9) on the Royal Columns. Photo by Kevin B. (Dec. 2011).

Shirley leading Developing Arms (5.9; Dec. 2011).

Shirley leading Developing Arms (5.9). Photo taken by Kevin B. (Dec. 2011).

Shirley leading Developing Arms (5.9) on the Royal Columns. Orange Sunshine (5.10b) is the crack on the right. Photo credit by Kevin B. (Dec. 2011).

Blondie and Natasha (some other climbers' dog) sorting out differences at the base of The Royal Columns (Dec. 2011).

Starting up Orange Sunshine (5.10b) - easy (5.9) climbing till the final 10 feet; photo by Kevin (Dec. 2011).

Into the crux of Orange Sunshine; photo by Kevin (Dec. 2011).

Kevin enjoying Cross-Eyed And Painless (5.9) at the Royal Columns (Dec. 2011).

Kevin leading the nice Cross-Eyed And Painless (5.9) just left of Developing Arms & Orange Sunshine Routes at the Royal Columns (Dec. 2011).
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