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In April of 2009, we spent a Saturday climbing at The Bend of Tieton River Gorge. Shirley onsighted the very nice MX, a 5.10a finger crack and took a scary whip off the crux of Pure Joy (5.10c). The yellow alien held her fall but fell out afterwards when she climbed past it. Awkward crux (in our opinion). We finished off the day with my lead of the very nice Local Knowledge (2 pitches, 5.10b and 5.9) which we combined into a single 55 meter lead courtesy of some local knowledge climbing directly in front of us. I think the guidebook mentions that second pitch is the best 5.9 finger crack in the state…perhaps, certainly very good and sustained (much more so than the two move 5.10b pitch 1).Photos

Shirley atop The Bend cliffs in Tieton. Many of the climbs require a quick hike over to rap anchors.
Pure Joy

Shirley starting up Pure Joy at Tieton River's Bend cliff. At the fork in the crack above, bear left for the 10c Pure Joy or right for a the 10b Reckoning (April 2009).

Shirley leading Pure Joy (5.10c) on The Bend cliffs of Tieton River, WA. She ended up taking a spooky fall at the crux above (April 2009).
Local Knowledge

Shirley & Blondie waiting for a party ahead of us to finish up Local Knowledge. They too combined the 2 pitch line into one stellar pitch: one move wonder of a 10b pitch 1 and a great finger crack for pitch 2 (where the leader is; April 2009).

Unknown climber on the 5.9 finger crack of pitch 2 of Local Knowledge on The Bend. This party also linked pitches 1 (10b) and 2 (9) into a long stellar pitch (April 2009).

Leading the very nice Local Knowledge (5.10b) at The Bend. I'm at the start of the short 5.10b section of pitch 1 while the follower above me is on the sustained 5.9 fingers pitch 2. We ran the two pitches as one (Apr. 2009).

Leading Local Knowledge (5.10b) on Tieton's Bend Cliff. We combined P1 (10b) and P2 (9, where I am) into one 55 meter pitch...this P2 here is a GREAT finger crack (Apr. 2009).
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