Go back to Tieton.
Go back to Darrington.

Tom, Shirley, & Haydar lunching in Tieton.
In late August of 2006, my brother Tom spent two weekends with us. One of the two weekends, we drove up to Washington with our friend Haydar. After camping at the trailhead late Friday night, we headed up to Three O’clock Rock on Saturday morning and climbed the short but nice Kone route, a five-pitch 5.9. I climbed with my brother while Shirley & Haydar climbed behind us swapping leads. From Darrington we drove to Washington Pass via Good Food (not really that good…) in Marblemount. In the morning, laziness found us (or at least Shirley & me) and so we drove to Twisp for breakfast followed by a pitch of climbing at The Bend in Tieton. We climbed the nice Ed’s Jam (2P 5.8) route and rounded out the day with some beer drinking at the sweltering trailhead. A nice if a bit lazy weekend.
The Kone In Darrington

Wake up pussycat! Haydar and Tom at the Three O’clock Rock trailhead on Saturday morning (Aug. 2006).

Shirley in our luxurious accommodations at the Three O’clock Rock trailhead (Aug. 2006).

Camp scene at the Three O’clock trailhead near Darrington on Saturday morning before our climb (Aug. 2006).

Starting up pitch 1 of The Kone (Aug. 2006).

Yours truly nearing the top of pitch 1 of The Kone on Three O’Clock Rock in Darrington (Aug. 2006).

Tom getting into the slab climbing groove on pitch 1 of The Kone (Aug. 2006).

Tom belaying me on pitch 2 of The Kone. Our friend Haydar is finishing the lead of pitch 1 (Aug. 2006).

Tom nearing the top of the 3rd (our 2nd I think) pitch of The Kone. Unknown party on the right (of the photo) is on a different route. Our friend Haydar is belaying Shirley atop pitch 1 (Aug. 2006).

My brother nearing the top of P3 (our P2) of The Kone (Aug. 26, 2006).

Haydar and Tom atop the third (our second) pitch of The Kone (Aug. 2006).

My brother on the fourth pitch of The Kone (Aug. 2006).

My brother Tom belaying me on the 5th pitch of The Kone (Aug. 2006).

Shirley starting the lead of the fifth and final pitch of The Kone (5.9) belayed by Haydar (Aug. 2006).

Shirley leading pitch 5 of The Kone (5.9) belayed by our friend Haydar (Aug. 2006).

Shirley leading the 5.8 slab on P5 (our P4) of The Kone. Haydar is belaying. Great fun little route (Aug. 26, 2006).

Happy Shirley arriving atop the fifth pitch of The Kone (Aug. 2006).

Shirley and Tom atop the fifth pitch of The Kone (Aug. 2006).

Hiking back to the barn (August 2006).

Tom about to rock the Good Food in Marblemount (Aug. 2006).

Shirley, Tom, and Haydar enjoying The Good Food (…or is it “Good” Food…) in Marblemount after our day in Darrington (Aug. 2006).

“God rays” over the Wine Spires (left 3rd of the ridge) and Silver Star as seen from highway 20 (west faces visible). Smoke from the nearby fires on the east side of the crest created the effect (Aug. 26, 2006).
Ed’s Jam In Tieton

Haydar and Tom (with Shirley hiding and Blondie huntin’ rattlers) on the way up to The Bend columns at Tieton on Sunday morning (Aug. 2006).

Yours truly starting up pitch 2 of Ed’s Jam at The Bend in Tieton (Aug. 2006).

Tom rocking Ed’s Jam (Aug. 2006).

Shirley starting the lead of the beautiful Ed’s Jam (5.8) crack belayed by our friend Haydar (Aug. 2006).

Shirley leading the beautiful upper pitch of Ed’s Jam (5.8) at The Bend in Tieton (Aug. 2006).

Shirely rockin’ Ed’s Jam (Aug. 2006).

Shirley leading the Tieton classic Ed’s Jam at The Bend area (Aug. 27, 2006).

Shirley finishing the lead of the nice Ed’s Jam line at The Bend in Tieton River (Aug. 27, 2006).

Our friend Haydar topping out on the nice Ed’s Jam (5.8) route (Aug. 2006).

Sweet Blondie, Tom, Haydar, and Shirley hiking back (Aug. 2006).

My brother, Shirley, & Haydar having lunch in Tieton River Gorge, WA (Aug. 2006).

Spending quality time with my love child (Aug. 2006).

Tom & I at The Bend trailhead in Tieton (Aug. 2006).
Go back to Tieton.
Go back to Darrington.