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A Few Words
Over the Thanksgiving Weekend in 2005, Shirley, Blondie & I made a quick roadtrip down to Canyonlands National Park to climb the Washer Woman Arch via the In Search Of Suds route. Yes, Blondie had to sit out this part of the trip in a Moab kennel but she did enjoy a day in Indian Creek later on. The drive to the base of Washer Woman along the White Rim Road was spectacular if longish. The climb itself was even more spectacular – great fun crack climbing and an incredible position: above the White Rim and in the shadow of Monster Tower next door. The crux for us was the final pitch where an A0 move was involved. After enjoying the summit, we did what I still think as one of the memorable rappels ever: down the arch itself! Incredible!! After Canyonlands, we picked up Blondie and drove down to Indian Creek with hopes of bagging the North Six Shooter. The morning of the climb was very windy and our mojo was just not up to it (we climbed the tower via Lightning Bolt Cracks a year or so later). Instead, we spent a half day climbing a couple routes in the Donnelly Canyon including the Generic Crack and Chocolate Corner (Shirley’s lead). After that we drove home.Photo Essay

Sandcastle (left, small), Washer Woman (center), and Monster Tower (right; ~600 feet tall) as seen from the S/SW at dawn on November 25, 2005. Island In The Sky rim is in the background

Shirley on the approach hike to the base of Washer Woman with the White Rim of Canyonlands NP in the background. Morning of Thanksgiving 2005.

Yours truly starting the lead of the second pitch on In Search Of Suds...the natural window is kind of cool (Thanksgiving 2005).

Shirley starting up the second pitch of In Search Of Suds...she's just about next to the natural window in the rock (Nov. 2005).

Shirley nearing the top of the second pitch of In Search Of Suds...great fun climbing on this one (Thanksgiving 2005).

Shirley at the second belay on In Search Of Suds on Washer Woman. Monster Tower in background (Thanksgiving 2005).

Almost through the short steepness on pitch three of In Search Of Suds. Monster Tower is in background (Nov. 2005).

Looking back at Shirley atop the second pitch of In Search Of Suds. This here third pitch though short is quite steep (Thanksgiving 2005).

Looking at the fourth pitch traverse on In Search Of Suds...mostly 3rd class except for a short 5.9-ish boulder move (Thanksgiving 2005).

Shirley nearing the end of the traverse pitch (#4) on In Search Of Suds, with the Monster Tower in the background (Thanksgiving 2005).

Sandcastle, Washer Woman, and Monster Tower (or their shadows) as seen from somewhere near the summit of Washer Woman (Nov. 2005).

Shirley at the belay at the end of the fourth pitch of In Search Of Suds. Monster Tower dominates the background. The White Rim is visible below. The Green River is somewhere down there at the bottom (Thanksgiving 2005).

Shirley starting up the final pitch of In Search Of Suds...right up the Washer Woman's face (Thanksgiving 2005).

Shirley on the summit of Washer Woman after our climb of In Search Of Suds. This is looking roughly south. Monster Tower dominates the background view. White Rim is visible down below (November 25, 2005).

Daddy on top of Washer Woman after our climb of In Search Of Suds. This is looking towards the Island In The Sky mesa (Thanksgiving 2005).

Shirley rapping down the huge arch formed by Washer Woman's arms reaching into the tub. This is one of the wildest rappels we've done to date (November 25, 2005).

Shirley rapping down the arch on Washer Woman after our climb of In Search Of Suds (November 25, 2005).

Shirley on the third rap off on the way down Washer Woman Arch. This might be the Kor Route on the tower - not sure though (Nov. 2005).

North Six Shooter and Blondie...after climbing Washer Woman the day before, we did not have the mojo to go for it on that trip (Nov. 2005).

Shirley gearing up for her lead of Chocolate Corner (5.9) in Donnelly Canyon of Indian Creek (Nov. 2005).

Shirley hiking down from a half day in Donnelly Canyon. Generic Crack (5.10-) is the obvious one in background (Nov. 2005).
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